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  • In the event of a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 immediately.
  • If you feel threatened on campus, wish to report suspicious activity, would like an escort between your transportation to campus and your classroom or have other security concerns, please call the security number for your campus.
  • Any person may file a Title IX or other civil rights complaint day or night, by phone or email as indicated below.

Know of a concerning behavior, incident or other concern you would like to report?

File a report

Here at Gateway, we care about our students, staff and visitors and want an environment that is as safe and welcoming as possible. If you see something that may cause harm or violates the safe and welcoming atmosphere, we encourage you to act as a prosocial bystander. We don’t want you to put yourself in a dangerous situation, but speaking out against demeaning behaviors or filling out an Incident Report are important ways to contribute to keeping our campus safe. 


You’re not alone! Gateway also has a CARE team of leaders across the college that focuses on intervening in situations involving both students and staff who are experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behavior. Their mission is to create a safe campus environment by reducing potential threats and increasing student success. Reporting concerning incidents is a way you can help them achieve that goal. 

Be a prosocial bystander! Here are some ways you can help keep YOUR campus a safer place: