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Elevate 2028: Rise Above, Reach Beyond

More than 450 community members, students and staff responded to a strategic priorities survey administered in fall of 2023. The most common words that respondents associated with Gateway were education, training, supportive, affordable, community and accessible, reaffirming that Gateway is achieving its mission. Respondents were given a list of potential strategies to be included in the plan and selected their top priorities. This stakeholder input, along with an analysis of data and trends impacting the college, provided the foundation for development of the plan’s goals and objectives below.

Goal 1: Student Success

Gateway will actively work to provide inclusive student experiences that support success from pre-enrollment through graduation.

Objective 1A: Increase the enrollment pipeline and equity in access.

  • Strengthen flexible learning options and support targeted to part-time adult learners.
  • Increase the enrollment of underserved populations, with emphasis on the region’s growing Hispanic population, and students transitioning from Adult Basic Education/English Language Learning to postsecondary programs.
  • Increase the percentage of students enrolling directly from high school.

Objective 1B: Increase retention rates and reduce persistent equity gaps.

  • Implement research-based best practices for removing institutional barriers to equitable student success (Moon Shot for Equity).
  • Improve course success rates in high failure courses, particularly in high enrollment and online courses.
  • Increase support for faculty development in implementing instructional best practices.

Goal 2: Community Engagement

Gateway must work closely with our partners to ensure we provide pathways to prepare all
learners for the workforce of tomorrow.

Objective 2A: Build and expand mutually beneficial community partnerships.

  • Partner with community-based organizations to support non-academic student needs.
  • Strengthen transfer pathways with four-year college and university partners.
  • Innovate and grow dual enrollment programming through continued collaboration with our K-12 partners.

Objective 2B: Strengthen connections to business and industry.

  • Increase employer engagement in Gateway’s programs, including strengthening the role of advisory committees.
  • Increase continuing education offerings targeted at upskilling or reskilling the workforce.
  • Increase career service support to help students prepare for the job market.

Goal 3: Organizational Excellence

Gateway strives to foster an organizational culture that builds community and is focused on excellence.

Objective 3A: Improve employee engagement.

  • Provide professional growth, leadership development and recognition opportunities.
  • Further develop avenues for increasing communication, transparency and employee involvement in decision making.
  • Support employee health and well-being.

Objective 3B: Increase operational sustainability and long-term organizational health.

  • Use data and technology to improve processes and evidence-based decision making.
  • Systematically assess the effectiveness of programs, services and interventions.
  • Implement a three-year budget planning process that aligns resources and initiatives with strategic priorities.