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Nothing my instructors said was pointless… I could always take away a lot of real-world knowledge from what was being taught.

Jack Holtman Graduate

The people who teach at Gateway are passionate, and that was really important for me.
Everyone at Gateway is focused on helping the students. Everyone is approachable. One time, I sent out an email to the dean of my program to ask a few questions, and he sent a personal email right back to me.
I think [Gateway]’s small enough that you can get that one-on-one help you need, guidance you need. … You learn the technical skills .. but … also ... how to work with clients.
Instructors gave us advice — they prepared you for the real world. They showed us what we needed to do to succeed.
I think Gateway has really set me apart from others who are graduating and others who are my age.
I knew I needed a degree to get into this field and I knew I had to earn it at Gateway.
I’m finishing up the Mechanical Design Technology program right now. And I already got a job through the reverse career fair that Gateway held a few years ago.
I’m able to say I have an education. I have a small business. I have a family that I’m in love with. That’s my life – and Gateway has been the key to my success.
I feel it was a good decision to enroll at Gateway and to change my career. I am more confident and more in control of my life and my career.
Without Gateway, I would still be in college, have racked up a lot of debt and still not have reached my career goals.
I realized I couldn’t do it without a degree.
Gateway enabled me to hit the ground running. I knew if I didn’t have that degree, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
I received a raise when I graduated. My employer sees a big change in me.
They hired me ... right after I completed the Gateway program. I went to the front of the line -- I didn’t have to wait two years.
I realize now that anything is possible. I didn’t believe that before – but now I do, because of Gateway.
Not a lot of people can say they earned their high school and college diploma at the same time. It’s awesome that I already have a job in my career while people I know are still going to college.
“Being able to earn my degree and transfer to a four-year college was a selling point for me for Gateway”
We did some work at Gateway in the lab, but I appreciate this experience at an actual job site so much more.
I did have some basic knowledge, but the Gateway degree really helped me run the business.
I looked all over the state at colleges, and Gateway was the best.
... You ask yourself, ‘Can I keep going, or stop because I can’t afford to get those books I need for class now?’ The scholarship was that tipping point for me to stay in college.
That was the overall comment I was hearing – go to Gateway.
Industry savvy instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience into the classroom to help prepare students for the ever evolving business environment that exists today and into tomorrow.
Yo obtuve ese título y las puertas se me abrieron. Este es un campo que busca gente que sepa lo que hace y la capacitación que me dieron en Gateway me ayudó a saber qué necesito para tener éxito.
This allows me to do what I want to do and to make money to pay for my college education to pursue what I want to do for a career for my life.
The campus life is great...especially since there are so many opportunities to work on campus. I look forward to the rest of my stay here!
The best thing was the clinicals. Technically, you are in the real world, able to practice all those skills you’ve learned.
Gateway really cares about your success!
I realized while I was in the Facilities Maintenance program that my real passion was to rehab houses and open my own business to do that, as well as property maintenance.
I was able to earn my degree in two years, while still being a full-time mother and wife. Gateway gave me the tools to succeed.
I want to be part of something where I can add value and perspective. That’s why I selected electrical engineering, and that’s why I selected Gateway.
My supervisor knew Gateway had a solid program, simple as that. No interview, just the phone conversation and emailing them my resume.
Gateway is where I learned to love learning. I am who I am today because of the folks at Gateway.
It will allow me to do something I enjoy doing and enable me to support my family while doing it. I will be living a far more fulfilled life than I would have otherwise.
Gateway has prepared me to be successful… I was able to apply everything I learned here, build amazing friendships and learn how to work with other people outside of just class.
Gateway has helped me to have a better life.
My Gateway education has been more than I could have asked for. It’s given me skills, yes, but it’s also given me perspective on what I can do in my career.
I’ve used every resource Gateway has – tutoring, the library and others. It has all helped me.
Going to Gateway and earning the diploma gave me even more motivation to continue. I love my job and look forward to the opportunities which will come my way, and to continue my education and earn a nursing degree.