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Our visiting review team from the Higher Learning Commission invites all faculty, staff, and students to attend these open meetings to share their knowledge and experiences related to the five criteria for accreditation. Question and answer sessions will be conducted by our visiting team.

Open Forum Schedule




February 24

10:15-11:30 a.m

Criteria One & Two: Mission and Integrity

  • Commitment to diversity
  • Responding to/serving our community
  • Accurate public information
  • Academic freedom and Integrity

In person:
Kenosha Campus
Garden Room

By video link:
Racine Campus
R113 (Michigan)

Elkhorn Campus
Room 114

February 24

1:45-3:00 p.m.

Criteria Three & Four: Teaching and Learning

  • Curriculum
  • Faculty qualifications
  • Learning environment/resources
  • Student services and support
  • Program evaluation
  • Assessment of student learning
  • Retention and completion efforts

Important for faculty, students and deans to attend

In person:
Kenosha Campus
Garden Room

By video link:
Racine Campus
R113 (Michigan)

Elkhorn Campus
Room 114

February 25

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Criterion Five & the Future: College Resources/Plans

  • Adequate resources
  • Effective governance and administration
  • Planning for the future
  • Continuous improvement

In person:
Kenosha Campus
Garden Room

By video link:
Racine Campus
R113 (Michigan)

Elkhorn Campus
Room 114