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News Release:

Those seeking the skills to advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 skills can gain them through two highly-anticipated Gateway Technical College programs which are now open to new student enrollment.

Gateway has begun enrolling students in the two new associate degree programs to address the needs of Foxconn and other advanced manufacturing companies moving to Southeastern Wisconsin: Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management.

Graduates of the programs can expect to be sought after by employers because workers are greatly needed with the skills taught in the two programs.

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Advanced Manufacturing

In this program, Gateway offers quality training to its students which lead directly to high-end manufacturing careers – such as those with Foxconn – because of its nationally known automated manufacturing instructors, equipment and curriculum, says Ray Koukari, dean of Gateway’s School of Manufacturing, Engineering and Information Technology.

“Anyone who possesses the skills taught in these programs will be in demand by employers,” says Koukari. “Not only that, but employers from many different industries are seeking these skills in their workers.”

Gateway will hold core programs at SC Johnson integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Center in Sturtevant. This facility provides for even more equipment and real-life simulations to be provided for training students.

“The facility will have state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 equipment, from robots to assembly lines, all interconnected through a network and a cyber security and data analysis package,” says Koukari.

Supply Chain Management

If a product needs to move from one place to the next, a supply chain manager could be involved.

“The supply chain manager helps with logistics, ordering, packaging and everything in between,” says Joe Fullington, dean of Gateway’s School of Business and Transportation. “This is high-tech, and today’s managers are using robotics and technology.”

Supply chain managers work to identify and put into place practices which reduce the costs of goods and services. They also purchase and ensure materials are delivered to manufacturing facilities on time and within budget.

Graduates of this program will gain the skills to careers as a logistics specialist, supply chain associate, warehousing and material handling.

Fullington said this is also an in-demand career field, and one which would qualify graduates for careers at Foxconn and other similar industries.