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News Release:

Three Harbors Council Boy Scouts of America today honored Gateway Technical College President Bryan Albrecht with its 2017 Distinguished Citizen Award for his community leadership and civic dedication.

Albrecht was honored at a luncheon held in the Madrigrano Auditorium in the Conference Center on the college’s Kenosha Campus.

“To the youth of this country, Bryan Albrecht is a beacon and a guide,” said Nick Pinchuk, Snap-on Incorporated chairman and CEO. “‘On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country.’ That’s a saying that is familiar to many in the audience today, the first couple lines of the Scout Oath. I know no one who exemplifies that part of the oath better than Bryan Albrecht.”

Albrecht serves on the Executive Board of the Three Harbors Council and has been an active supporter of Scouting – and individual Scouts – in many ways over the years. One includes spearheading the well-known Merit Badge Tech, an effort that has brought hundreds of Scouts to Gateway one Saturday each year to learn new skills and earn a variety of Merit Badges.

Albrecht encouraged the audience to share with others three values that he holds in high regard – service, commitment and respect and dignity for others.

“We know that we have challenges in our world, our nation and community,” he said. “We can overcome those with respect and dignity for others.”

Three Harbors officials said Albrecht’s work helped him to receive the Distinguished Citizen Award.

“We are so pleased that Dr. Albrecht has received this recognition as Distinguished Citizen from Three Harbors Council, Boy Scouts of America,” said Andrew Hardin, Three Harbors executive and CEO. “He is truly a role model for Boys Scouts, but also for the college and community here in Southeastern Wisconsin.”

Albrecht serves on several local, state and national boards, including the American Association of Technical Colleges, American Technical Education Association, National Manufacturing Institute Board, United Way of Racine County and the National Center for Occupational Research and Development.

Albrecht’s experience has led him to testify before Congress on workforce issues and receive invitations to speak at the White House on behalf of America’s community colleges. He has been recognized as a Distinguished Educator by the International Technology & Engineering Association and was the first person to receive the Kenosha United Way Distinguished Leader Award.

Albrecht holds bachelor’s, master’s and Education Specialist degrees from UW-Stout and a doctoral degree from the University of Minnesota.