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Submitted by ColonyL on

The National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) has honored Gateway Technical College by naming it a 2022 Dennis Iudice Memorial Award winner for the number of industry-recognized certifications students earned in its programs in 2021.

Students in Gateway programs earned 2,117 certifications, the third most of all NC3-participating colleges in the nation. These are industry-acknowledged certifications that lead to career success.

The announcement was made July 21 at the NC3 2022 Leadership Summit, an event which brings collegiate and business leaders from across the country to Gateway for the national summit.

“I am honored to receive recognition from the National Coalition of Certification Centers,” said Gateway Technical College President and CEO Bryan Albrecht. “It’s an organization I admire for their commitment to supporting educators and students through world-class industry partnerships.”

Gateway, a founding member of NC3, is consistently one of its top performers, hosting several centers of excellence across multiple programs and using a wide variety of certifications. NC3 has called Gateway “an innovator in CTE (career and technical education).”

“This award showcases the dedication of our students and faculty,” said Matt Janisin, vice president, Gateway Business and Workforce Solutions Division. “It showcases faculty for continually aligning their curriculum to industry skills and students for becoming a certified pro in their chosen profession. Gateway is honored to be recognized as a national leader in career and technical education.”

NC3 was established to help build a workforce prepared to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s industries by connecting employers and educational institutions in synergistic partnerships that foster effective training, elevation of skilled careers and employment opportunities.