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News Release:

Have a great idea for a patent, but don’t know how to begin the process of making it a reality?

Gateway Technical College’s Workforce and Economic Development Division will hold a three-part workshop series designed to provide insight and direction to anyone seeking to obtain a patent.

Among other skills, attendees will learn how to develop an understanding of the patenting process, protect their ideas by making sure how to properly file them legally and gain the knowledge to duplicate the process they have with other ideas in the future.

The series will be presented by Mike Bergnach of Promotory Research and presented at Gateway’s SC Johnson integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Center, 2320 Renaissance Blvd., Sturtevant.

  • Session l, “Have an Idea, Now What?” will be held 8 a.m. to noon July 13 or Oct. 19. Cost: $75
  • Session ll, “Patent Search … Was it your Idea, First?” will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 14 or Nov. 16. Cost: $250, lunch included.
  • Session lll, “Writing and Filing Your Patent,” will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 28 or Jan. 11, 2014. Cost: $350, lunch included.

For full descriptions, go to

For more information, contact Kate Walker, director of business services, (262) 898-7410, or