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News Release:

The Coalition on Adult Basic Education has named Gateway Technical College student Amparo Trevino as the national COABE Adult Learner of the Year runner-up.

Trevino’s nominator says that she “continues to be a positive force and beacon of hope for all students at Gateway.”

The Salem resident who moved to the United States from Mexico 21 years ago initially enrolled in Gateway’s English Language Learner program in 2012 to become more fluent in English. While she had already earned a degree in Mexico, Gateway instructors encouraged Trevino to expand her education to enroll in an academic program following her completion from the ELL program. 

She did, and earned a Gateway Business Management associate degree.

While earning her degree, Trevino was hired as a peer advocate for Gateway students. It was here she discovered her true calling – adult education. Since graduating, she has transferred her Gateway credits to a four-year college where she is earning a degree in adult education.

“I started a yearlong program to learn English, and one thing led to another,” says Trevino. “I can’t believe all that has happened.”

Trevino continues to work with Gateway students, as well. 

COABE is a 15,000-member group which exists to “provide leadership, communication, professional development and advocacy for adult education and literacy practitioners in order to advance quality services for adult learners,” according to the group.