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Submitted by ColonyL on
News Release:

Gateway Technical College Collegiate DECA Chapter earned several recognitions at the International College DECA Conference held recently in Orlando, Fla.

Awards won include:

Award of Excellence. The following Gateway students received an award of excellence for placing a high score in their event: David Czuper (Racine), Jada Peters (Kenosha), Taylor Arena, Angelique Ortiz (Kenosha) and Ailyn Castro (Winthrop Harbor, Ill.).

Executive Leadership Passport Award to the Gateway DECA chapter. The Collegiate DECA Leadership Passport Program encourages local chapters and individual members to plan activities and participate in events that enhance the experiences of members. Individual Leadership Passport Awards were awarded to Gateway students Czuper, Peters and David St. Peter (Kenosha).

Community Service Award. This award is designed to recognize Collegiate DECA chapters for civic activities performed in their community. This year students raised awareness and funds for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.