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News Release:

Gateway Technical College will undergo an evaluation by its regional accrediting agency.

The college will undergo the comprehensive evaluation by a five-member team representing The Higher Learning during its Feb. 24-Feb. 25 visit. The commission a national independent organization which evaluates the quality of higher education institutions.

The meetings are open to students, staff and the public. A list of all the meeting times and places can be found here:

­­Gateway has been accredited by the Commission since 1970. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation.

The accreditation provides one more validation of the quality of Gateway’s overall educational delivery and commitment to the public and community it serves, as well as the quality of its online programs.

The Higher Learning Commission was founded in 1895 as one six regional institutional accrediting organizations in the United States. It accredits degree-granting programs in a 20-state region which includes the Midwest and the West.