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Submitted by ColonyL on
News Release:

Governor Tony Evers visited Gateway Technical College’s Kenosha Campus as part of his State of the State Tour on Thursday, including the college’s Law Enforcement Academy and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning program training facilities.

His Gateway visit was part of an ongoing initiative to address the state’s workforce challenges.

“Gateway and other technical colleges have created such a great rapport with business that they’re able to gain the skills for good-paying jobs,” said Evers.

“We support technical colleges, and they provide a great service.”

Gateway President and CEO Ritu Raju toured the facilities with Evers, who also heard from students and instructors about the quality training at Gateway and the many jobs that are available to them once they graduate.

“Governor Evers was extremely appreciative of our facilities, programs and Gateway’s impact on the region,” said Raju. “I’m so proud of our students and the excellence of our programs.”