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I wanted to get my degree, though. I wanted to be in the program and finish it. Because of Promise 2 Finish, I’ll be able to do that.

Promise 2 Finish allows student to come back to college, realize her dreams

Sharee Yunker never gave up on her goal of earning a college degree. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, her goal went into high gear, though, and the mixture of necessity and Gateway’s Promise 2 Finish program helped her restart her education and succeed in earning the degree she’s always wanted.

Sharee began college several years ago but stopped as life got in the way. Handling a birth in the family, a death in the family and raising a family kept her from earning the degree. That didn’t stop her from still wanting to gain that degree, though, and that goal became even more important in 2020.

Sharee said her family launched a business in the middle of the pandemic, and she realized she would need new skills to help run that business. 

“I want to help the family business to keep growing so we can eventually hand it over to my son,” says Sharee.

But how to gain that degree? As Sharee looked at Gateway, she realized that Promise 2 Finish would be a key to do so -- and, Sharee says, the program has been just what she’s needed to return to college and succeed.

“Paying for college has been a huge relief, it’s been great to be able to come back to college. When I was going before, it was a whole different story. I worked full time and took out student loans and had those looming over me,” says Sharee.

“I already had those loans. I wanted to get my degree, though. I wanted to be in the program and finish it. Because of Promise 2 Finish, I’ll be able to do that.”

Sharee said the program offers more than just finances to help students succeed. She said the coordinator of the program helped guide her through the many twists and turns of gaining a college degree. 

“Having someone there to help you and hold you accountable is a driving force on why I am doing so well. She follows up, she talks with me one-on-one and directs me to all the resources I need.”

Sharee earned her Marketing degree in December 2021.