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Section 103 of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, requires public disclosure of relevant graduation, retention, transfer and placement rate information for students enrolled in colleges and universities receiving federal financial assistance.

The Student Right-to-Know graduation rate is based on the performance of a cohort of first-time, full-time students over a three-year period, or a four-year average of those cohort graduation rates. Students who complete a program in 150% of the program length are included; for example, students who complete an associate degree in three years or a one-year diploma in one and a half years.

While this data is somewhat useful for comparison, it represents only a very small part of Gateway’s student body, most of whom are part-time students who take longer to reach their goals. It also does not reflect all the students who successfully reach their personal educational goals without completing an entire diploma or degree program.

Graduation Rates

Gateway's four-year average IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) graduation rate for 2014-2018 entering cohorts is 41%. 

Gateway’s graduation rates for 2019 IPEDS Cohort

Gateway's graduation rates for students who began their studies in Fall 2019:

  • Overall 150% graduation rate: 45%
  • Male: 46%
  • Female: 43%
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native: *
  • Asian: *
  • Black or African American: 33%
  • Hispanic/Latino: 42%
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: *
  • White: 51%
  • Two or more races: *
  • Non-resident alien: *
  • Race or ethnicity unknown: *
  • Recipients of a Pell Grant: 48%
  • Recipients of a Direct Subsidized Loan that did not receive a Pell Grant: 34%
  • Students who did not receive either a Pell Grant or Direct Subsidized Loan: 42%

* Number of students is too small to disclose with confidence or confidentiality

Retention Rates

The retention rates reported below are for students in the Fall 2021 entering cohort who were still enrolled or completed their program as of Fall 2022.

Full-time, first time students: 81%

Part-time, first time students: 45%

Transfer Rates

Gateway does not report transfer rate information to IPEDS due to the complexity of tracking students after they leave the college.

Placement Rates

Information on job placement rates and types of employment obtained by graduates is available in the Graduate Outcomes survey.

For additional IPEDS data about Gateway, visit the National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator website.

Crime Statistics required by the Clery Act.