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Workforce Advancement Training (WAT) Grants

Workforce Advancement Training grants are an investment in the development of a company’s current workforce.  Gateway Technical College has expanded training services to help businesses and industry meet their training needs.

Grant funds can be used for:

  • Assessment of the learning needs of employees to determine knowledge and skill levels.
  • Development of curriculum that directly applies to employees' occupational tasks.
  • Conducting instructional activities.
  • Providing staff development needed by college staff that will enhance the proposed training.
  • Purchasing supplies, equipment, video, computer software and/or other instructional materials.
  • Providing technical assistance to an employer which will result in the advancement of existing employees through a career pathway approach or additional hiring of new employees.

Priority is given to projects that help to:

  • Increase a businesses’ productivity and competitiveness
  • Increase employees’ wages or expand their job and career opportunities, or
  • Increase employees' wages in the short term
  • Improve employees' job and career opportunities in the short term
  • Implement activities related to career pathways
  • Implement part of a formal regional development strategy planned by an industry partnership
  • Strengthen the position of the state's driver industries

The annual due date for applications is mid-May. Gateway Technical College staff will write and submit the grant application and Gateway then serves as the fiscal agent of the funding. If funds remain after the first round of awards, additional applications may be submitted until funds are depleted for the year.

Awards are made by July with a 12 month completion date. Grant funds awarded cover approximately 50% of the training costs. Organizations contribute the remaining funds to cover the total training project.

WAT Grant Form and Request for Consideration