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The HEADS UP mentoring initiative was developed to provide an enriching, relationship-building experience where you can work one-on-one with a Gateway faculty or staff member or administrator who will provide coaching, a listening ear, perspective and a strong support network. You’ll benefit from the mentor’s insights and experiences in regard to navigating higher education and embarking on their careers, as well as developing their listening and communication skills. 

This program is open to all Gateway students, including students in the English Language Learning (ELL), Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Veteran programs. In addition, Gateway offers several mentoring communities specific to certain programs and departments:

  • Nursing
  • Veterans
  • Disability Support Services

Gateway staff interested in being mentors, and students interested in being mentees apply to the program through an online application process (linked below). You’ll provide information regarding your interests, goals and purpose for joining the HEADS UP mentoring initiative. Mentor and mentee pairings are chosen based on personal interests and overall goals. Both the mentor and mentee need to commit to engaging in a meaningful relationship with consistent and regular communication. 

The mentor will: 

  • Provide an insider’s perspective on career navigation
  • Be someone to bounce ideas off and a champion to cheer you on
  • Hold their mentee accountable
  • Help their mentee make decisions related to their career path
  • Give their mentee impartial advice
  • Open doors for their mentee
  • Coach their mentee toward success

Apply to become a HEADS UP mentor (Open to Gateway faculty and staff)

The mentee will: 

  • Receive critical, constructive feedback
  • Gain exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences 
  • Boost their career prospects and growth
  • Work hard to achieve their goals with the assistance of their mentor
  • Gain access to their mentor’s network of contacts
  • Learn from real-world experiences
  • Develop specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to professional goals
  • Expand their leadership abilities
  • Increase their capacity to translate values and strategies into productive actions
  • Allow for increased self-awareness and self-discipline

Apply to become a HEADS UP mentee (Open to all Gateway students)