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Gain marketable career skills and work toward your dream job through Gateway’s Step UP program. The program provides direct assistance to students who are unemployed or underemployed by reducing barriers to employment through academic and career guidance. Underemployed individuals include those who work part or full-time, but do not make enough for a family-sustaining wage. Join the program and gain access to resources and assistance in pursuing your educational and career goals to make full use of your potential and skills. 

Program Eligibility

The Step UP program is open to individuals who have worked in the home for a number of years providing unpaid household services for family members and who meet the following additional criteria: 

  • Is either unemployed or underemployed, and
  • Has been dependent on the income of another household member but is no longer supported by such income, or
  • Has been on public assistance but is no longer eligible for such assistance or may be terminated from such assistance, or
  • Is the parent of one or more minor children supported by public assistance or spousal support but whose children are 16-18 years old
  • Or low-income/underemployed

Resources available through the Step UP program: