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News Release:

Longtime Gateway Technical College Board of Trustees member Pamela Zenner-Richards announced her retirement during a June 20 board meeting at the college’s Kenosha Campus.

Zenner-Richards served on the board for nearly a quarter century and held various leadership positions, including two terms as board president. She is known for her unwavering support of technical colleges and her innovative insight into how to provide students with the skills to address area industry’s most pressing worker needs.

“Pam is more than just a Gateway trustee,” said Gateway Technical College President and CEO Ritu Raju. “She is also a community leader and has served in so many leadership positions. Her knowledge of the community, the needs of the community and the needs of industry is amazing.

“Pam has been in the manufacturing industry for a very long time and that has brought some very unique synergy, such as the starting of the boot camps, which she suggested. That was at a time when there was an acute shortage of workers and the boot camp format became a model program for others on how to remedy that shortage. Pam has helped us to fulfill our mission in so many ways through advocacy, insight and her advice. We are very, very grateful for her service to Gateway.”

The meeting also marked the last for Trustee Jesse Adams, a Walworth County businessman who has served on the board for six years and brought solid industry insight, student advocacy and perspective to board actions. Adams honored Zenner-Richards by establishing a scholarship in her name through the Gateway Technical College Foundation, to benefit students enrolled in the trades as well as science, technology, engineering and math-related programs.

Zenner-Richards reflected on her 24 years as a board member, noting that she was inspired to participate by a former Gateway Board president, the late Alice Morava.

“It doesn’t seem to be that long, but when you love something like I love the college, it goes by too quickly,” she said.

Zenner-Richards said she will continue to be a vocal supporter of Gateway and technical education, two of the hallmarks of her time on the board.

“This has been a wonderful experience for me personally, because all of you at Gateway – and I mean all of you, top to the bottom – have made my job as board trustee very easy,” she said. “I can walk out there anywhere and can be noisy and loud about my feelings about this college – and it’s because of the work you all do each and every day. I am so proud of you and so proud to have been part of this beautiful college.

“You have enriched my life and changed the lives of many, many people in Southeastern Wisconsin. I am grateful, I am humble and I will continue to be the strongest advocate for Gateway.”