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Jeanine Drier
I was married, had kids, but I didn’t have a career,” she says. “I didn’t have that final piece to the puzzle that everyone should have. Gateway helped me to do that.

Grad discovers missing piece to life

Jeanine Drier says Gateway Technical College helped her find the final, missing piece to her life -- and career.

“I was married, had kids, but I didn’t have a career,” she says. “I didn’t have that final piece to the puzzle that everyone should have. Gateway helped me to do that.”

Jeanine’s educational journey began when she found herself at a job she saw no future in at the same time she learned her husband had been laid off.

She remembers hanging up the phone after hearing his news and pondering the situation, concluding she wasn’t in a position to financially help her family like she wished. She had worked at seasonal jobs as a means to bring in a paycheck while she met the needs and schedule of her children, who were in school at the time.

“I said to myself ‘I have to get an education,’” says Jeanine. “I knew I wasn’t going to get a decent wage, or a career, without education.”

I was able to earn my degree in two years, while still being a full-time mother and wife. Gateway gave me the tools to succeed.

Jeanine gained an education – and more. After 25 years away from the classroom, she enrolled at Gateway and, a few short years later, earned an Administrative Professional degree and entered her career right away.

“I appreciate what Gateway did for me,” she says. “They gave me every avenue and opportunity to succeed. It was awesome.”

Jeanine took all of her classes at the nearby Elkhorn Campus, starting with courses at the campus before branching out and taking several online. She says the coursework gave her the exact skills and knowledge for the working world.

“Gateway prepared me for a career through courses and instructors who brought in real-life scenarios and shared experiences with us,” says Jeanine. “The projects we worked on were real-life projects.”

Jeanine was offered an administrative professional position before she graduated, and accepted. She has since moved to another position closer to home, as well as returning to Gateway for further training to qualify as an administrative assistant in a human resources office.

“After being out of school for 25 years, this was a big leap of faith,” says Jeanine. “I was able to earn my degree in two years, while still being a full-time mother and wife. Gateway gave me the tools to succeed.”