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The Fab Lab exists as a resource to our students, our educators, and our business partners. While at Gateway we invite you to experience this revolution in fabrication, and its implications in education. Our mission is to assist and augment Gateway’s educational programs, and to inspire the future generations of engineers, scientists, artists, designers and entrepreneurs. The Fab Lab explores new and creative ways to fabricate and educate, and it provides a space for our community to experience new technology. We reach out to our community to help local industry with prototyping, developing strategies for fabrication, and problem solving andto connect industry to our students, not only as a resource to them, but as an opportunity for students to experience real world collaboration and fabrication.

Anyone using the Fab Lab must be aware of, and follow these requirements.

  1. Use of the Fab Lab requires the presence of Fab Lab Staff, and signing in with  a Gateway issued ID.
  2. Fab Lab equipment, and tools should only be used under the supervision of Fab Lab staff.
  3. Fab Lab materials and resources are allocated by staff. 

    This means:

    • Student projects must fall under class-assigned resources.
    • Resources used for class assignments could require class fees.
    • Personal work will require use of your own materials.
    • Class projects, and business partner related projects take priority.
    • Usage of the lab or equipment is at the discretion of Fab Lab Staff
  4. Fab Lab tools and equipment are not to be removed from the Lab.
  5. Those who use the Fab Lab, will be asked to use it responsibly, and respectfully.

    This means:

    • Following staff directions.
    • Treating the equipment, and tools respectfully.
    • Treating each other with courtesy.
    • No using equipment without proper training and certification.
    • Cleaning up after yourself.
    • Using the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
    • Avoiding dangerous conduct, or operations, especially around others.
    • Following safety regulations.
    • Refraining from inappropriate behavior.
  6. Operation of Fab Lab equipment and tools, requires staff approval.

    This means:

    • Approval means watching any relevant instruction presentations.
    • Completing equipment usage guidelines or training.
    • Being listed on the Fab Lab  Approved Operator Roster”
  7. The Fab Lab is not to be used as a production facility.
  8. The Fab Lab is not responsible for storing projects, materials, designs, or personal files.
  9. Use of Fab Lab computers is at the discretion, and direction of the Lab Staff.

    This means:

    • Lab computers are property of Gateway, and are noy intended as computers for open public or personal use.
    • Use of the lLb computers is a courtesy, issued at the discretion of the Lab staff. Improper use may result in revoked privileges.
    • Do not store your files or designs on Lab computers. They may be deleted. After use, make sure your desktop has been cleared for other users.
    • No improper browsing, downloading applications, or software without the approval of Fab Lab staff.
    • If you encounter computer issues, report immediately to Fab Lab staff. Do not attempt to fix or correct yourself.
  10. Gateway’s Fab Lab is an open space.

    We ask that you treat guests with courtesy and hospitality.

  11. The Fab Lab is not responsible for the protection of your ideas or intellectual property.

    This also means that you understand that logos, trademarks, and some models or designs cannot be used without permission.  

  12. The Fab lab is connected worldwide. 

    There are cameras broadcasting activities to the worldwide Fab Lab network. 

  13. Use of Your image.

    Using the Lab means you understand your Image may be used in promotional media, social media, or podcasts. The Lab cannot guarantee exclusion from our collection of media. 


I understand, and agree to follow the above guidelines. Furthermore I understand use of the Fab Lab is a privilege, and failure to follow these rules may result in my privileges being revoked.