Download an evaluation/documentation form for visual impairment.
(This form should be completed by a qualified professional.)
Download an evaluation/documentation form for hearing impairment.
(This form should be completed by a qualified professional.)
Download an evaluation/documentation form for other physical impairments.
(This form should be completed by a qualified professional.)
A qualified professional must conduct the evaluation:
Professionals conducting assessment should have appropriate training in diagnosing physical impairments. The name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator, including information about license or certification should be clearly stated in the documentation. All reports should be on letterhead, dated, signed, and legible.
Documentation should be current:
The provision of accommodations is based upon assessment of the current impact of the student’s disabilities. Documentation that is outdated or inadequate in scope or content; does not address the student’s current level of functioning; or does not address changes in the student’s performance since the previous assessment was conducted may not support requested accommodations.
Documentation necessary to substantiate a physical, visual, or hearing disability should include:
- A statement on letterhead, by a qualified health professional;
- The statement should include a specific diagnosis, explanation of specific functional limitation, and any recommendations for support;
- A summary of assessment procedures and an evaluation of results;
- When warranted, medical information relating to the student should also include the impact of medication on the student’s ability to meet the demands in the post-secondary environment.
Qualified Professionals include:
- Mobility Impairment: physician, neurologist, physiatrist.
- Vision Impairment: ophthalmologist, optometrist, neurologist.
- Hearing Impairment: audiologist; otologist, otorhinolaryngologist.