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There are a variety of ways to get in touch with your advisor. 

Make an Appointment 
You can schedule an appointment with your academic advisor through our 10to8 Online Scheduling System. To access 10to8, first log in to My Gateway | My Profile. Find your advisor's name and click on it. This link will take you to their booking page. On this page, you can check your advisor’s available dates and times. If you are having difficulties accessing 10to8, you can call Student Services at 1-800-247-7122 to schedule your appointment.   

First-time appointments are one hour via Zoom or in person (preferred). Follow-up appointments are 30 minutes. Three different meeting formats are available: 

  • In person
  • Phone (must have My Gateway password, access to a computer and internet) 
  • Zoom (must have My Gateway password, access to a computer and internet)

You can send general, quick questions to your advisor from your Gateway student email account. Please allow at least 48 hours for a response.

Text Messaging
Ask your advisor about best practice.