Dakwar, Sarah |
dakwars@gtc.edu |
Marketing |
Instructor, Marketing & Business |
Racine |
2625642395 |
Dakwar, Nader |
dakwarn@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Instructor, Barber/Cosmetology |
Burlington |
2625642913 |
Darras, Brice |
darrasb@gtc.edu |
Social Science |
Instructor, Social Sciences |
Elkhorn |
2625643166 |
Daujotas, Braaten |
daujotasb@gtc.edu |
Numerical Contract Bws |
Adjunct - SMEIT |
Daulton, Jonathan |
daultonj@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Adjunct - Welding |
Davis, Thomas |
davistc@gtc.edu |
Diesel |
Instructor, Auto/Diesel |
Horizon |
2625643177 |
Davis, Donnetta |
DavisD@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Instructor, Communications |
Racine |
2625642611 |
De Le?n, Dario |
deleond@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Student Express Associate/Campus Cashier |
Elkhorn |
2625642590 |
Debe, Oliver |
debeo@gtc.edu |
General Studies |
Instructor, Gateway to Success |
Racine |
2625642126 |
Deering, Brianna |
deeringb@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Instructor, English Language Learner (ELL) |
Elkhorn |
2625642948 |
DeGrave, Gavin |
degraveg@gtc.edu |
Fire - Wedd |
Lead Instructor - PDW |
2625642161 |
Dejong, Christian |
dejongc@gtc.edu |
Culinary Arts |
Adjunct, Culinary Arts |
Elkhorn |
Deleon, Krystal |
deleonk@gtc.edu |
Guidance/counseling |
Student Support Counselor |
Elkhorn |
2625642747 |
Dembowski, Katie |
dembowskik@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Director, Account Management |
2625642655 |
Denny, Ryen |
dennyr@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Financial Aid Specialist - Generalist |
Kenosha |
2625642141 |
Denson, Aneisha |
densona@gtc.edu |
College Success |
Adjunct - Gateway to Success |
Racine |
DeRose, Mark |
derosem@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Computer Support Technician |
2625643674 |
Desotelle, Erik |
desotellee@gtc.edu |
Horticulture |
Adjunct - Horticulture |
Diaz, Jaileen |
diazjm@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Account Manager, Business & Workforce Solutions |
2625643265 |
Diaz, Guillermina |
diazg@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Assistant I |
Racine |
2625642145 |
Diaz-Navarro, Vanessa |
diaznavarrov@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Racine |
2625643151 |
Diderrich-Miskinis, Jodene |
Diderrich-MiskinisJ@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - PCMP |
Dieck, Daniel |
dieckd@gtc.edu |
Hs - Advanced Manufacturing |
Adjunct - Advanced Manufacturing |
Doherty, Tanya |
dohertyt@gtc.edu |
Bursar/student Finances |
Student Accounts School Certifying Official |
Kenosha |
2625642482 |
Doherty, Eric |
dohertye@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Manager, End Point Technology |
Kenosha |
2625643178 |
Domes, Robert |
domesr@gtc.edu |
Library/lr-kenosha |
Library Technician Cataloging/Acquisitions |
Kenosha |
2625642654 |
Domes, Derrick |
domesd@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Director, Information Technology |
Kenosha |
2625643740 |
Draper, Karen |
draperk@gtc.edu |
Learning Success |
Welcome Center Associate, Learning Success Center |
Kenosha |
2625642006 |
Du Prey, Michael |
DupreyM@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Natural Science |
Elkhorn |
2625642709 |
Duchow, Ashley |
duchowa@gtc.edu |
Protective Services Admin |
Fire/EMS Technical Assistant |
Burlington |
2625642047 |
Duckworth, Tanner |
duckwortht@gtc.edu |
High School Partnerships |
Distance Learning Support Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643208 |
Duczak, Samantha |
duczaks@gtc.edu |
High School Partnerships |
Manager, Dual Credit |
Kenosha |
2625642322 |
Duczak, Jeffrey |
duczakj@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Instructor, Welding |
Racine |
2625642547 |
Due, Shari |
dues@gtc.edu |
It Network/communications |
Instructor, Cis Network Specialist |
Racine |
2625642174 |
Dugan, Elizabeth |
dugane@gtc.edu |
Recreation/tourism |
Instructor, Hospitality Management Program |
Racine |
2625642465 |
Duncan, Tracy |
duncant@gtc.edu |
Accounting |
Adjunct - Accounting |
Dunn, Danyanna |
dunnda@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Student Support Specialist |
Racine |
2625642439 |
Duran, Mercedes |
duranm@gtc.edu |
Recruitment/placement |
Re-Entry Navigator |
Elkhorn |
2625642739 |
Dutton, Nicole |
duttonn@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology |
Racine |
2625642086 |
Dutton, Jeremy |
duttonj@gtc.edu |
Numerical Contract Bws |
Instructor, CNC/Tool & Die |
2625642571 |
Dzbinski, Robert |
dzbinskir@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice Law Enforcement |