Radandt, Daniel |
RadandtD@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Raimondi, Anna |
raimondia@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Rainey, Alexandria |
raineya@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
TRIO SSS Program Specialist |
Racine |
2625643042 |
Raju, Ritu |
rajur@gtc.edu |
President/director's Office |
President/CEO |
Kenosha |
2625643610 |
Ramig, Patricia |
ramigp@gtc.edu |
Laboratory Assistant |
Laboratory Technician Assistant |
Racine |
2625642135 |
Ramos, Usiel |
ramosu@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Police Science |
Ramos, Jasmin |
ramosj@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642379 |
Randolph, Micheal |
randolphm@gtc.edu |
Health Sciences Admin |
Dean, School of Health |
Racine |
2625642491 |
Rauth, Jamie |
rauthj@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Account Manager, Business & Workforce Solutions |
2625642627 |
Redmond, Micheal |
redmondm@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-racine |
Custodian - 1st Shift |
Racine |
2625642707 |
Redwing, Yesenia |
redwingy@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Technician |
Racine |
2625643848 |
Reed, Adam |
reeda@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Fab Lab Coordinator |
2625642635 |
Reeves, Jared |
reevesj@gtc.edu |
Protective Services Admin |
Fire/Ems Equipment Technican |
Burlington |
2625642059 |
Renzoni, Mike |
Renzonim@gtc.edu |
Small Engine & Chassis Mech |
Instructor, Motorcycle, Marine and Outdoor Power Products |
Kenosha |
2625642664 |
Retana, Jazmine |
retanaj@gtc.edu |
Bursar/student Finances |
Student Accounts Specialist - 3rd Party Billing |
Kenosha |
2625642922 |
Revolinski, Wendy |
RevolinskiW@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, WEB/Software Developer |
Racine |
2625642553 |
Reynoso, Maria |
reynosom@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Student Express Associate |
Kenosha |
2625642394 |
Reza, Bailey |
rezab@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Richards, Jay |
richardsj@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Services |
Burlington |
2625643142 |
Richter, Joseph |
richterjw@gtc.edu |
Respiratory Therapy |
Instructor/Director Clinical Education, Respiratory Therapy |
Kenosha |
2625642142 |
Rigden, Barbara |
rigdenb@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Riley, David |
RileyD@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Riley, Kenneth |
rileyk@gtc.edu |
Promise Program |
Coordinator, Gateway Promise |
Racine |
2625642455 |
Riordan, Sean |
riordans@gtc.edu |
Research, Planning,evaluation |
Manager, Business Intelligence |
Kenosha |
2625642140 |
Rios, Keith |
riosk@gtc.edu |
Graphic Designer |
Instructor, Graphic Design |
2625642478 |
Riutta, Amelia |
riuttaa@gtc.edu |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
Clinical Coordinator, School of Health |
Kenosha |
2625642445 |
Rivera, Pedro |
riverap@gtc.edu |
Veterinary Science |
Adjunct - Vet Tech |
Rizek, Manal |
rizekm@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642502 |
Robbins, Timothy |
robbinst@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - PCP |
Roberts, Johnny |
robertsj@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Cleaner |
Kenosha |
2625642462 |
Robillard, Amanda |
robillarda@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
Manager, Customer Relationship Management (crm) Technology |
Kenosha |
2625642850 |
Robshaw, Jeffrey |
robshawj@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Vice President, Learning Innovation and CIO |
Kenosha |
2625643676 |
Roche, Arlene |
rochea@gtc.edu |
Computer Studies - Community |
Adjunct - BWS |
Rodriguez, Nastasya |
rodriguezn@gtc.edu |
Academic Operations |
Scheduling Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642596 |
Rohde, Scott |
rohdes@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Instructor, Welding |
Elkhorn |
2625642779 |
Rohlf, Rachel |
rohlfr@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Librarian |
Racine |
2625642539 |
Roob, Benjamin |
roobb@gtc.edu |
Registrar |
Associate Registrar |
Racine |
2625642162 |
Rosiles-Zavala, Elizabeth |
rosileszavalae@gtc.edu |
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion |
Director, Hispanic Student Programming |
Kenosha |
2625642628 |
Ross, Elizabeth |
rosse@gtc.edu |
Recruitment/placement |
Campus Visit & Outreach Coordinator |
Kenosha |
2625642412 |
Ruiz, Alysia |
ruiza@gtc.edu |
Admin/office Assistant |
Instructor, Administrative Professional |
Racine |
2625642421 |
Ruiz, Michelle |
ruizmr@gtc.edu |
Payroll |
Payroll Tech |
Kenosha |
2625642588 |
Ruiz, Kevin |
ruizk@gtc.edu |
Business Management |
Adjunct - Business Management |
Ruman, Candace |
RumanC@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Rupp, Robin |
ruppr@gtc.edu |
Academic Admin |
Dean, School of Protective and Human Servic |
Elkhorn |
2625642457 |
Ryan, Tamara |
ryant@gtc.edu |
Social Science |
Adjunct - Social Science |