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Take our Media Prefs student survey!

  • Tell us how you prefer to be communicated with
  • Let us know how we can best support you

Here are a few important details to keep in mind:

  • Your feedback is confidential and non-identifiable.
  • The survey only takes about 30 minutes to complete.
  • The survey does not need to be completed in a single sitting – you can choose to “Save and Leave” if you need to take a break.

We greatly appreciate your time, participation and invaluable feedback!

Note: By clicking on the survey link you are acknowledging consent for survey participation and collection of information.

Gateway is partnering with Interact Communications - Media Prefs to compile the survey data and help us learn more about our college community at Gateway. All of your responses will be kept confidential and non-identifiable.

Questions about the survey? Contact Kristin Gunia, Director of Marketing and Communications at 262-564-3044 or