Private scholarships are offered by varying organizations and businesses and can help lessen the cost of your education. Any scholarships listed below are currently accepting applications. Please check back often for new listings. You may also qualify for scholarships offered through Gateway's Foundation and Alumni Association.

AAUW, Racine (WI) Branch

Each year, Racine AAUW awards scholarships to Racine County women who are entering the first or second semester of their junior or senior year at a four-year accredited, degree-granting college or university and/or Racine County women entering their third or fourth semester at a two-year college the following fall.

Please see the link below to the AAUW website and its scholarships page. There you will find instructions for the 2025 scholarship application, and access to the application.

Application Due By:
Award Amount:

Wisconsin Laboratory Association (WLA)

The Wisconsin Laboratory Association (WLA) exists to improve the cause, technique, practice and knowledge of lab technicians through communication and educational opportunities. WLA is offering TWO $1,000.00 scholarship for 2025.

Application Due By:
Award Amount: