Private scholarships are offered by varying organizations and businesses and can help lessen the cost of your education. Any scholarships listed below are currently accepting applications. Please check back often for new listings. You may also qualify for scholarships offered through Gateway's Foundation and Alumni Association.
Wisconsin Lumber Dealers Education Foundation (WLDEF) Scholarship Program
Each year the WLDEF Board of Directors makes available scholarships to help students enrolling/enrolled in a program that centers on, or supports, the lumber and building materials industry, the building trades or in small business management.
2025 ASIST Scholarship
The ASIST Scholarship is a non-discriminatory, educational scholarship program for the benefit of nontraditional students pursuing an associates, bachelor or master’s degree, or a technical/professional certification. These include persons who are:
Past high school age and who are entering a college, university, or trade school and/or the workforce for the first time non-traditional students already enrolled in a college, university, or trade school program
Wisconsin Coalition on Student Debt: Money Smart Essay Contest
Candidate Must:
- Be a resident of Wisconsin, graduating high school senior and plan to attend a Wisconsin college or university.
- Student or parent/guardian must have a valid SSN.
- Demonstrate key money management knowledge (budgeting, investing, use of credit, etc.).
- The essay must be concise and written by the student submitting the essay.
Wisconsin Laboratory Association (WLA)
The Wisconsin Laboratory Association (WLA) exists to improve the cause, technique, practice and knowledge of lab technicians through communication and educational opportunities. WLA is offering TWO $1,000.00 scholarship for 2025.
WAFP Scholarship Program
The Wisconsin Association for Food Protection (WAFP) welcomes student applications for a scholarship award.
This award is intended to promote and sustain interest in fields of study which may lead to a career in sanitation, culinary arts, food microbiology, or dairy, food, and meat sciences.