Recommendation for: who is applying for the following study abroad program: Slovenia and Croatia Kenya Costa Rica Thailand Germany How long and under what circumstances have you known the applicant? Criteria Rate According to the following criteria, how would you rate the applicant? Probable academic success Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Dependability/Trustworthiness Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Maturity Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Ability to get along with others Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Adaptability in facing new situations Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Emotional stability Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Open-mindedness Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Sense of humor Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Good ambassador for college/United States Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Evaluate Recommendation based primarily on: Coursework Some Personal Contact Significant Personal Contact (select all that apply) Please state frankly your opinion of the candidate’s chances for success (both academic and non-academic) in this program. Do you have any information or suggestions regarding the candidate that would be helpful for our faculty and staff? HR Your First Name: Your Last Name: Your Email Address: CAPTCHA Submit