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Information for drivers who get a ticket in Wisconsin but are licensed in a different state:

  • Anytime an out-of-state person receives a ticket in Wisconsin, a license number is registered in Wisconsin for the person receiving the ticket. 
  • A person with an out-of-state license can take the Point Reduction course to reduce the points on a ticket received in Wisconsin. Taking the class will only affect the points that are on the Wisconsin driving record.
  • A ticket received in Wisconsin will be reported to the state the license is held in. A person needs to refer to their state’s laws regarding a ticket they received in Wisconsin.

Information for licensed Wisconsin drivers who get a ticket in a different state:

  • When a person with a Wisconsin license receives a ticket in another state the ticket is reported to Wisconsin.
  • The out-of-state ticket will show on the person’s license as zero points, no matter what the penalty is in Wisconsin.