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To see how your credits transfer into Gateway Technical College, you can access our Transfer Evaluation System (TES) to find your school and compare the courses you have taken to see how they will transfer in.  

Within 7-10 business days of your acceptance in an associate degree or technical diploma program, your transfer credits will be evaluated. Upon completion, students will receive an email alert to their Gateway email address, inviting them to view their unofficial transcript transfer credits on My Gateway. Transfer credits are denoted with a “TR.”

At Gateway, we award three types of transfer credit:

  1. Direct Equivalencies: If the course you completed at your sending institution has a high percentage of matching content, the course will transfer as a direct equivalency to the equivalent Gateway course.
    Transfer Course Gateway Course
    Composition 101 801-136
    Speech 101 801-196
    Psychology 101 809-198
  2. General Studies Elective: Gateway Technical College offers General Studies courses in the following disciplines; Communication (801), Mathematics (804), Natural Science (806) and Social Science (809). If the course the student completed at their sending institution has a high percentage of Gateway general education competencies we award Gateway general studies elective.
    Transfer Course Gateway Course
    Media & Society 801-991
    Trigonometry 804-991
    Humans & the Environment 806-991
    United States Reconstruction to Recent Times 809-991
  3. College Level Elective:This course is not a direct equivalency to a Gateway course and does not have a high percentage of general education competencies. The course is, however, relevant to a subject matter offered at Gateway and the student is awarded a college level elective (900-100).