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The computerized, untimed Accuplacer test is available to all students. Students with a documented disability can take the placement test with accommodations at no extra fee.

Procedure for Placement Test Accommodations:

  • Meet with Disability Support Instructor or Specialist to provide current documentation and discuss testing accommodations.
  • Schedule and pay for your exam
  •  Pay for your exam fee at Student Services or online. Visit the How Do I Sign Up for a Test webpage for more information.
  • Once testing is complete, meet with your Academic Advisor to determine appropriate course selection based on test scores.

Alternative Placement Testing Accommodations

One or more of the following alternative placement testing accommodations may be available for students with documented disabilities:

  • Paper and pencil format
  • Large print format
  • Distraction reduced area
  • Text to Speech
  • Use of a calculator
  • Signed interpreter

Other accommodations as determined by the Disability Support Services Department

For more information about the Placement Exam, please visit our Placement Testing webpage.