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Admissions Requirements

  • Application for Admission & Application Fee
  • Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate reading and writing readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; earned a technical diploma or higher; submit ACT or complete valid reading and writing placement assessments. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
  • Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
  • For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.


This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.


The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.

After Petitioning

After being awarded a seat through the Petitioning Process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.

Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at