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The State of Wisconsin requires that all GED students meet the following requirements: 

  • Must be a Wisconsin resident.
  • Must be at least 18.5 years of age or show that the class you entered ninth grade with has graduated. 
  • Have not previously graduated from public or private high school. 
  • Completed GED orientation. 

GED/HSED Orientation

The first step in earning  your GED or HSED is to sign up for the free, self-paced online orientation, which you are required to complete prior to beginning your testing. During the online part of the orientation, you will learn more about GED and HSED test requirements, cost, scheduling and more. You’ll also make appointments to take the TABE test and meet with one of Gateway’s GED/HSED instructors to develop your Personal Education Plan (PEP). Sign up for an available orientation at any of Gateway’s Student Services Centers or sign up online via My Gateway (Class number: In English 890-721; In Spanish 890-730). Visit the ABE/GED/HSED Facebook page for updates(link is external).

Preparing for Your Tests

During orientation, you’ll meet with an instructor who will help you determine if you need to do some additional preparation before you are ready to take your GED tests. During orientation, you will create your GED portal. You’re encouraged to work with our GED/ABE instructors in the Learning Success Center on your campus, as they can provide study materials, one-on-one support and official GED practice tests. 

Rescheduling Your Test

You are required to reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your appointment through the GED Portal or by calling GED Testing Services (1-877-392-6433). Failure to do so will result in losing your testing fee and repaying for your next appointment. 

What to Expect on Test Day

GED Test Services has strict regulations to follow on test day. You will be responsible to ensure you’re aware of all the procedures. To become acquainted with what is expected of students and to better prepare you for your testing appointment, we recommend viewing this video(link is external) and procedures outlined below.

On test day:

  1. Please arrive on-time for your appointment. 
  2. You must present a valid Wisconsin State ID (driver’s license or government-issued ID card) to the Testing Specialist every time you test or you will not be allowed to test and lose your testing fee. Your name on your ID must match the name you used to sign up for the test.
  3. You will be asked to read and sign a GED Test Candidate Rules Agreement. You will also be required to sign a log sheet stating that you have read and agree to the rules.
  4. You will be asked to read a GED Test Non-Disclosure Agreement and sign electronically stating you are in agreement.
  5. You will have your photograph taken.
  6. You will be asked to securely store all of your personal materials (cell phones, wallets/money, watches, hats, coats, food/drinks, etc) using one of the on-site lockers. You will not be able to access your materials during the exam. You will be asked to empty your pockets and pull up your sleeves and pant legs. You will be allowed to take locker key into the testing room with you.
  7. You will be provided with three note boards and a pen.
  8. The only thing allowed in the testing room will be your photo ID, note board and pen and locker key.
  9. Unscheduled breaks are not allowed during the exam. Once you are seated, you must complete the exam. If you leave your station before your exam is complete, your exam will be terminated and you will lose your testing fee. If a scheduled break is allowed, the system will let you know. There will be a 10 minute break between tests if you take more than one test during a single appointment.
  10. You must abide by all testing regulations while on-site and demonstrate courteous behavior to staff and other testers. Engaging in misconduct or other irregular activities may invalidate your scores. You will be monitored at all times during your exam. If you are found to be engaging in misconduct, you will be dismissed from the testing center and lose your exam fee.

If you have any questions during your exam, please let your test administrator know.

Transitioning to a Degree Program

Congratulations on taking the first step toward earning your high school credential! Believe it or not, it’s not too early to build on your GED/HSED. Gateway’s Transition Specialist is here to help you explore career options, complete the application process and prepare for success at Gateway. Learn more.