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  • Gain valuable experience through 300 hours of field work. Train hands-on in youth shelters, resource centers or nonprofits to learn the skills you need and get a feel for your future career.
  • Get involved by joining Gateway’s Human Services Club and assist with many projects, including Community Awareness Day, a dance for adults with disabilities and fundraisers to help local agencies.
  • Specialize your education by earning Human Services certificates in Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (AODA), Aspects of Disabilities, Case Management, Child Welfare and Gerontology.
  • Make a difference by beginning an enriching career in human services. Work as a mental health technician, family advocate, case manager or social work assistant doing what you do best—helping others.
  • Earn your bachelor's degree in social work, sociology, psychology, human services or more by transferring your associate degree credits to one of the many universities with which Gateway has Human Services transfer agreements.
Program Credits
Elkhorn Campus, Kenosha Campus, Racine Campus
Financial Aid Eligible
Tuition & Fees: $10,150
Books and Supplies: $4,886
Start Dates
Spring, Summer, Fall
Salary Outlook
Career Opportunities:
Caseworker, Community Outreach Specialist, Family Support Worker, Social Services Coordinator, Behavioral Health Specialist

Human Services Associate Career Pathway

Career Pathways are designed to help you reach your educational goals and explore college and career options. Pathways are made up of related certificates, diplomas and degrees that build on common skills and knowledge. You can begin at any point on the Career Pathway and customize your pathway to fit your goals. View the pathway for your area of interest.

There are many opportunities, both in high school and through previous college, work, and/or military experience, to earn credit for prior learning at Gateway.

Associate degrees are typically completed in two years by full-time students and combine hands-on technical skills with general education. Associate degree opportunities in this pathway include:

Human Services Associate

Prepare to enter your exciting new career, or choose to continue your education with another Gateway program or by transferring your credits to a four-year college or university.