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  • Gain skills fast through a fully online program designed for those with full-time jobs, families and other responsibilities keeping them busy.
  • Study versatile, career-centered disciplines, such as management, accounting, diversity, human resources and ethics. Gain useful, real-world skills that make you an asset to any organization.
  • Become a leader and get the job, promotion or pay raise you’ve always wanted. You’ll be prepared to work as a manager, supervisor or team lead in many industries.
  • Save money on your bachelor’s by first earning your associate degree, then transferring to one of the 20+ universities with which Gateway has Leadership Development articulation agreements.
Program Credits
Financial Aid Eligible
Tuition & Fees: $10,670
Books and Supplies: $4,654
Start Dates
Spring, Summer, Fall
Salary Outlook
Career Opportunities:
Supervisor, Assistant Manager

Leadership Development Career Pathway

Career Pathways are designed to help you reach your educational goals and explore college and career options. Pathways are made up of related certificates, diplomas and degrees that build on common skills and knowledge. You can begin at any point on the Career Pathway and customize your pathway to fit your goals. View the pathway for your area of interest.

There are many opportunities, both in high school and through previous college, work, and/or military experience, to earn credit for prior learning at Gateway.

Certificates include a streamlined set of courses in a specific program area, providing a set of industry-recognized skills preparing students for entry-level employment. Certificate opportunities in this pathway include:

Leadership Essentials

Associate degrees are typically completed in two years by full-time students and combine hands-on technical skills with general education. Associate degree opportunities in this pathway include:

Leadership Development

Prepare to enter your exciting new career, or choose to continue your education with another Gateway program or by transferring your credits to a four-year college or university.