- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Accounting Assistant
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Administrative Professional
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Aeronautics - Pilot Training
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
Prior to Petitioning
- Complete and Submit Aeronautics Declaration/Intent form.
- Complete and submit Aeronautics Student Pilot Certificate in IACRA (Submit the signed card you will receive to any Student Services Center.)
- Successfully complete Aeronautics Program Overview (402-439) with an S (Satisfactory) the following within one year prior to each petition
- Valid 1st or 2nd Class FAA Medical Certificate issued by an FAA-approved Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). Learn more about FAA medical information on their website's Medical Certification - Get a Medical Certificate page.
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship
- Certified copy of birth certificate or certificate of naturalization AND driver’s license
- Valid U.S. Passport
Note: Non-US citizens must register as an Alien Flight Student Candidate with the Transportation Security Administration's Alien Flight Student Program. You must have TSA/AFSP approval in order to petition to start flight training. This is a multi-step process that may take a month or more. For questions regarding the TSA/AFSP process, contact Greg Patchel, at
Students must petition each semester for their flight courses.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Arboriculture/Urban Forestry Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Architectural – Structural Engineering Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Automotive Maintenance Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Automotive Technology
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Barber Technologist
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate reading readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; or submit proof of minimum test scores (15 ACT Reading, 19 SAT Reading, 237 Accuplacer Reading). *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Building Trades-Carpentry
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Business Management
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Business Services Manager
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Civil Engineering Technology – Highway Technology
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
CNC Production Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
CNC Programmer
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Construction Management Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate reading readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; or submit proof of minimum test scores (15 ACT Reading, 19 SAT Reading, 237 Accuplacer Reading). *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Criminal Justice Studies
Application for Admission & Application Fee
Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date
Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement 720 Academy
LEA is a two-part application process
Step I - Submit the following:
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- DJLE-327 Application for Enrollment
- Copy of valid driver’s license
- Official HS/GED/HSED transcripts verifying completion
- Official college transcript verifying an Associate Degree or higher or at least 40 post-secondary credits earned.
- Students earning credits at Gateway Technical College do not need a Gateway transcript but should note the completion of credits on their applications.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC).
- Request an abstract copy of your driving record from your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Verification of Age and US Citizenship. Please bring your certified copy of your birth certificate along with the Verification of Age and US Citizenship to a Student Services Center on any campus. A Gateway staff member will complete and sign the form.
- In order to be admitted to the academy candidates must pass a Physical Readiness Test administered by academy staff. This test must be completed before an interview can be scheduled.
- All Step I application files must be completed by the given deadline. Applicants with completed Step I files by the given dates will move to Step II (interview) of the application process.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Step II- Interview:
Required equipment and attire
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Culinary Arts
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Culinary Assistant
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Dental Assistant
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, three of the Dental Assistant program courses are not fully financial aid eligible. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records and CPR). Upon completing your order, the required health forms and CPR requirements will need to be uploaded. Prior to petitioning you will only be required to upload a copy of your valid CPR. After being awarded a seat, you will be required to complete the remainder of the items in your Health Portal and eLearning as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals.
- Castlebranch is the current vendor for Criminal Background Checks, Health Portal/Medical Document Managers, and e-learning. Students who previously ordered through Viewpoint Screening are still eligible to use their Viewpoint Screening Portal for Medical Documentation and eLearning. If previously ordered Criminal Background Checks through Viewpoint have expired, new orders will be placed through Castlebranch
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Diesel Equipment Mechanic
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Diesel Equipment Technology
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Early Childhood Education
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Background Check
This program requires a WI Department of Children and Families Background Check. Please visit the
iChildCare Portal and click "create a logon" to create an account and begin the background check process. Once the background check has been completed, you will have access to your Letter of Eligibility, which will need to be submitted to complete your application. If you are currently employed in the childcare field and your employer has completed the DCF background check, please submit a copy of your eligibility letter. Letters of eligibility can be submitted to a Student Services Center on any campus, via fax at 262-564-2801 or emailed to
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Electrical Engineering Technology
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Electromechanical Maintenance Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
EMT - Advanced EMT
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Order the Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records, CPR, Valid WI EMT license). Upon completing your order, the required health forms, CPR and Valid WI EMT license requirements will be on your To-Do List. Prior to admission, you will need to upload your signed CPR card and valid WI EMT license. Prior to participating in clinical courses, you will need to complete the remaining items listed on your To-Do List. To obtain necessary forms, download and print them from #1 on your To-Do List. Once you have completed your forms, upload them to their corresponding requirements in your myCB.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
After Acceptance
- Login and complete the remaining items listed on your Medical Document Manager To-Do List. To obtain necessary forms, download and print them from #1 on your To-Do List. Once you have completed your forms, upload them to their corresponding requirements in your myCB.
- Order the Drug Test. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
- Student Instruction Form
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
EMT - Paramedic
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order the Medical Document Manager ONLY health forms/records, CPR, Valid WI EMT license). Upon completing your order, CPR, Valid EMT license and required health forms will be listed on your To-Do List. Prior to admission, you will need to upload your signed CPR card and valid WI EMT license. After acceptance you will need to complete the remaining items on your To-Do List.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
After Acceptance
- Login and complete the remaining items listed on your Medical Document Manager To-Do List. To obtain necessary forms, download and print them from #1 on your To-Do List. Once you have completed your forms, upload them to their corresponding requirements in your myCB.
- Order the Drug Test. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
- Student Instruction Form
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Facilities Maintenance
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Fire Medic
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records, CPR, and Valid WI EMT license). Upon completing the order, CPR, Valid EMT license and required health forms will be listed on your To-Do List. Prior to admission, you will need to upload your signed CPR card and valid WI EMT license. After acceptance you will need to complete the remaining items on your To-Do List.
- Needs to complete Firefighter 1 certification.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
After Acceptance
- Order Drug Test ONLY. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Fire Science
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Foundations of Teacher Education
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be listed on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order..
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Funeral Service Admission Requirements
The Funeral Services program is a shared program with Milwaukee Area Technical College. Students choosing to take classes for the Funeral Services program at Gateway are able to complete up to 30 credits toward the degree at MATC. Only three (3) seats for the Funeral Services program at MATC are for this shared program.
To indicate your intent to complete this program, complete an Application for Admission. This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements listed below and in order of program acceptance date. Residency status will not be taken into consideration for selection. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
In order to petition through Gateway for admission to the Funeral Services program, students must submit completion of the following requirements:
- B- (or higher) in Business Courses
- 101-112 Accounting for Business (3 credits)
- 102-160 Business Law (3 credits)
- B- (or higher) in Natural Science Courses
- 806-177 Gen. Anatomy & Physiology (4credits)
- 806-197 Microbiology (4 credits; pre-req 806-177)
- 806-134 General Chemistry (4 credits)
- C (or higher) in General Education Courses
- 801-136 English Composition (3 credits; pre-req 831-103 or 831-107 or required placement test score)
- 801-196 Oral/Interpersonal OR 801-198 Speech (3 credits)
- 809-198 Intro to Psych (3 credits; pre-req 831-103 or 831-107 or required placement test score)
- 809-196 Intro to Sociology (3 credits; pre-req 831-103 or 831-107 or required placement test score)
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
Interested students should consult the MATC website for program and admission requirements. Students will be admitted to the program and receive financial aid through MATC.
For program details visit:
To apply:
Graphic Design
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Greenhouse Operations
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Horticulture Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Human Resources
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Human Services Associate
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Individualized Technical Studies
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Students must provide a statement of need and summary of career goals, explaining in detail the need to pursue the Individualized Technical Studies program in lieu of an established program.
- Students must provide proof of an occupational mentor who will provide industry-specific guidance throughout the program.
- Students must submit an academic plan, designed in conjunction with an academic advisor and occupational mentor.
- The student portfolio, together with a completed application for admission, becomes part of the review process used by the Gateway Individualized Technical Studies committee to admit the student for a customized technical studies program. Students should not begin taking coursework until officially accepted into the Individualized Technical Studies program.
Information Technology – Computer Support Specialist
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Information Technology – Network Specialist
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Information Technology – Software Developer
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Information Technology – Web Software Developer
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Interior Design
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
IT – AI Data Specialist
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
IT – Computer Support Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
IT – Cybersecurity Specialist
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
IT – Web Programmer
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Landscape Horticulture Admission Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Leadership Development
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Legal Studies/Paralegal
Application for Admission & Application Fee
Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Liberal Arts - Associate of Arts
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Liberal Arts - Associate of Science
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
LPN to ADN Bridge
The LPN to ADN bridge program is designed for an LPN to continue their education to progress to an RN. This program will allow an experienced LPN to enroll into third semester nursing courses to continue working towards the associate degree. Applicants to the LPN to ADN Bridge must be a current LPN.
Admission Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee.
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- Nursing Information Video.
- Valid WI LPN license.
- Official College Transcripts showing LPN courses & graduation.
- Verification of having worked at least 2000 hours as an LPN within the past five years. This must be on company letterhead with the student's full name, position worked, number of hours completed, and the dates within which they were completed.
- Review the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
- Complete the remainder of the items in your Medical Document Manager To-Do List as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals. Please download, print and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
- Order your Drug Test. During the order process, you will need to select your program location, i.e. Nursing - ADN/PN - Racine/Kenosha OR Nursing - ADN/PN - Burlington. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
- The following TWO Bridge courses must be successfully passed prior to the start of third semester nursing courses:
- 510-804 Nursing Assessment Skills Review | 0.25 Credits | Pre-req of HESI score of 850 required
- 510-160 Transition: LPN to ADN | 1 Credit | Prereq of HESI and 510-804 course completed with S grade
- NOTE: Only two attempts are allowed for each Bridge course
Once a student has completed petitioning and successfully passed the two bridge courses, credit will be provided for Nursing program courses 543-101 through 543-108.
Background and Health Information requirement questions? Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Curriculum sheet
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Medical Assistant
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- View the Medical Assistant Student Handbook and submit the supplemental item form acknowledging receipt and agreement.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, three of the Medical Assistant program courses are not fully financial aid eligible. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Acceptance
After acceptance AND prior to practicum courses:
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records and CPR). Upon completing your order, the required health forms, Medic 1st Aid Card, and CPR requirements will need to be uploaded. After being awarded a seat, you will be required to complete the remainder of the items in your Health Portal, eLearning and Drug Test as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals.
- Order your Drug Test.
- Castlebranch is the current vendor for Criminal Background Checks, Health Portal/Medical Document Managers, e-learning and drug testing. Students who previously ordered through Viewpoint Screening are still eligible to use their Viewpoint Screening Portal for Medical Documentation. If previously ordered Criminal Background Checks through Viewpoint have expired, new orders will be placed through Castlebranch.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Medical Laboratory Technician
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate reading and writing readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; earned a technical diploma or higher; submit ACT or complete valid reading and writing placement assessments. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the Petitioning Process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Nursing Information Video.
- Review the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records and CPR).
- Order your Drug Test. During the order process, you will need to select your program location, i.e. Nursing - ADN/PN - Racine/Kenosha OR Nursing - ADN/PN - Burlington. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Nursing Assistant
Admissions Requirements
Students must be 16 years of age or older to take the course.
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate reading readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; or submit proof of minimum test scores (15 ACT Reading, 19 SAT Reading, 237 Accuplacer Reading). *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC) Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Acceptance
- Complete the remainder of the items in your Medical Document Manager To-Do List as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals. Please download, print and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Office Assistant
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Paramedic Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order the Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records, CPR, and Valid WI EMT license). Upon completing the order, CPR, Valid EMT license and required health forms will be listed on your To-Do List. Prior to admission, you will need to upload your signed CPR card and valid WI EMT license. After acceptance you will need to complete the remaining items on your To-Do List.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
After Acceptance
- Login and complete the remaining items listed on your Medical Document Manager To-Do List. To obtain necessary forms, download and print them from #1 on your To-Do List. Once you have completed your forms, upload them to their corresponding requirements in your myCB.
- Order the Drug Test Only. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Physical Therapist Assistant
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records, CPR. Upon completing your order, the required health forms and CPR requirement will be on your To-Do List. Prior to petitioning you will only be required to upload a copy of your valid CPR card. After being awarded a seat, you will be required to complete the remainder of the items in your To-Do List as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals. Please download, print, and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
- Order your Drug Test. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Practical Nursing
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Nursing Information Video.
- Review the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. These requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, three of the Practical Nursing program courses are not fully financial aid eligible. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records and CPR). Upon completing your order, the required health forms and CPR requirement will be on your To-Do List. Prior to petitioning you will only be required to upload a copy of your valid CPR card. After being awarded a seat, you will be required to complete the remainder of the items in your To-Do List as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals. Please download, print and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
- Order your Drug Test. During the order process, you will need to select your program location, i.e. Nursing - ADN/PN - Racine/Kenosha OR Nursing - ADN/PN - Burlington. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Pre-School Credential
Background Check Request
Background Check
Directions for ordering your Background Check will be sent to the mailing address you provide on your Background Check Request. Please email your Preliminary or Final Background Check-Eligibility Letter to with Early Childhood Education Background Check in the subject line.
After acceptance
Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records). Upon completing your order, the required health forms will be listed on your To-Do List. Download, print, and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heating Service Technician
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Respiratory Therapy
Applications for the Respiratory Therapy program will be open in the coming months once accreditation is granted. Please check back for admissions details.
For more information about the program contact:
Heather Holbrook, MHA, RRT, RRT-NPS
Director/Instructor, Respiratory Therapy
Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Supply Chain Management
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Surgical Technology
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC).Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
The program of study that you have selected has a required clinical component for graduation. Each clinical placement has site specific requirements which may include COVID-19 vaccination requirements. There is a limited availability for clinical sections that accept waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. It is the student's responsibility to register for sections that allow waivers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Clinical requirements are subject to change with little or no notice.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the Petitioning Process:
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY (health forms/records and CPR). Upon completing your order, the required health forms and CPR requirement will be on your To-Do List. Prior to petitioning you will only be required to upload a copy of your valid CPR card. After being awarded a seat, you will be required to complete the remainder of the items in your To-Do List as soon as possible so that you can receive clearance to participate in clinicals. Please download, print, and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
- Order your Drug Test. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Technical Studies – Journeyworker
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Students must possess a Wisconsin Apprenticeship Completion Certificate issued by the Department of Workforce Development-Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards which includes a minimum of 400 hours of prescribed apprentice related instruction in the Wisconsin Technical College System.
Truck Driving
Admission requirements are subject to change in compliance with Department of Transportation Regulations. **Please note: This is a high demand program with limited openings. Program acceptance is required for registration; courses are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Valid Driver's License (Regular Class D license, Probationary Class D license or Commercial Learner’s Permit are acceptable.)
- Must pass a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical. Submit a DOT Federal Medical (Fed Med) card or the completed Medical Examiner’s forms from any approved DOT medical exam site to a Student Services Center on any campus or email it to sends e-mail).
- Search for a certified medical examiner by entering your zip code in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website ( Note: Individual medical sites may have different DOT physical pricing. IMPORTANT: The urine sample taken for the Fed Med card does NOT count for the DOT drug screen.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
During the first program course students will:
- Obtain a Class A Commercial Learner’s Permit. This can be done by passing the General Knowledge, Air Brakes and Combination Vehicle assessments at a Wisconsin DMV. To prepare for these assessments students can study sections 1,2,3,5 and 6 of the Wisconsin Commercial Driver’s License Manual. Questions regarding the Class A Commercial Learner’s Permit can be directed to Chris Jones at or 262-564-2156.
- Pass a Department of Transportation Drug Test to be completed AFTER obtaining a Class A Commercial Learner’s Permit.
- Drug screens are available at Froedtert South Occupational Medicine: 10256 Old Green Bay Road, Suite 140, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158; 262-217-3455. * Please note this will require an additional fee payable to Froedtert South Occupational Medicine. Froedtert South Occupational Medicine will email your drug screening results to Admissions via secure email once they are available.
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
Veterinary Technician
Admissions Requirements
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Official High School Transcript or GED/HSED Credential, including a graduation or passing date.
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures: earned a technical diploma or higher,* earned a minimum high school GPA of 2.6, earned a minimum college GPA of 2.0 or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
- Order Background Check ONLY (CBC). Upon completing your order, the BID will be on your To-Do List. Download, print, and then upload the completed BID to your myCB within 30 days of your CBC order. BID's not uploaded within 30 days may result in the need to place a new CBC order.. Important: Be sure to select the correct program from the drop down option when selecting your program.
- For additional background check information, read and understand the Criminal Background Checks and Health Program Students information.
- Review the Professional Licensure information regarding your program of study.
- Review the program technical standards. An acknowledgement of these standards will be completed within the online application.
This program has a required admission petition. Students are awarded seats by having met the program petition requirements, program acceptance date and current residency status. Students with earlier program acceptance dates and Gateway district (Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties) residence have priority over students with later program acceptance dates or who are outside of the Gateway district and/or residents outside of Wisconsin. See our Petitioning webpage for additional information.
All accepted students must complete 20 hours of shadowing at a veterinary facility or facilities prior to the start of the program’s core courses or they will forfeit their seat and an alternate will be chosen. The shadowing requirements will not expire, if students complete this ahead of time it will be to their benefit. See the Veterinary Technician Job Shadowing Form.
After Petitioning
After being awarded a seat through the petitioning process:
This program has a required admission petition. Click for details on petitioning.
- Order Medical Document Manager ONLY. Upon completing your order, the required health forms will be on your To-Do List. You will be required to submit verification of completing the Pre-exposure Rabies Vaccine series to participate in clinicals. The expense of the Pre-exposure Rabies Vaccine series is the responsibility of the student. Cost of the vaccine series can vary based on insurance coverage and provider but has typically been a minimum of $1100. Please download, print and upload the completed forms to your myCB.
- Order your Drug Test. Please read the “Additional Information” section found on the review page which is the beginning part of the order process. This will provide you with the necessary information to complete your drug test.
Background and Health Information requirement questions?
Please contact the Admissions Office at
Note: Gateway's program meets the licensure requirements for the State of Wisconsin. Gateway has not determined if the program meets the licensure requirements of any other state.
- Application for Admission & Application Fee
- Students must meet one of the following multiple measures to indicate math readiness for the program: earned a technical diploma or higher,* minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 (unweighted); earned at least 12 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0; or submit ACT or Accuplacer test scores. Submit any needed transcripts or test scores. *Please note short term technical diplomas do not fulfill Multiple Measures. These programs include Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT, and Truck Driving.
Note: Due to federal clock-to-credit regulations, the Gateway to Success course is not fully financial aid eligible for your program. Students can reduce the financial aid impact by following their scheduled part-time or full-time curriculum track. Learn more.
Welding/Maintenance and Fabrication