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Gateway’s website is designed and maintained by the Marketing and Communications department. The website is a vital marketing tool and extension of the Gateway brand in the community.  As such, Gateway has developed a visual template for the website that is in line with the college’s brand and campaign. Specific colors and fonts are used on our website, which you can review on the Colors and Typography page

Marketing staff reviews the website’s primary pages periodically to remove outdated information and provide updates. While the Marketing and Communications department is responsible for making changes to the website and maintaining the home page and other primary pages, owners of secondary pages across the college are responsible for ensuring their pages are up-to-date and accurate. 

Departments will be asked to review their pages annually and can provide updates at that time. Additional updates can be requested by submitting a Marketing and Communication - Website and Intranet Support Ticket to request changes. 

Examples of primary pages continually monitored and maintained by the Marketing and Communications department: 

Examples of secondary pages that should be monitored by page owners:

The Marketing and Communications department also does a yearly review of Gateway’s program of study pages in conjunction with program faculty to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.

Guidelines for submitting a Marketing and Communications - Website and Intranet Ticket for the website

  • When submitting a Marketing and Communications Website and Intranet Support Ticket for changes to the website, please include as much detail as possible in your request. 
  • Do not request duplicate information be put on multiple pages. Website best practice is to put information on one relevant page only to avoid confusion. 
  • Marketing staff uses a Content Management System with specific web templates that we cannot alter. While we will always try our best to make sure page owners are satisfied with the way information is communicated on their page, we cannot guarantee that all requests related to the website content and layout can be fulfilled. 
  • If you are a Gateway faculty or staff member and would like your Intranet page updated, please submit a Marketing and Communications Website and Intranet Support Ticket


Page owners may request page analytics by submitting a& Marketing and Communications Website and Intranet Support Ticket. Please indicate the time frame you would like the analytics for. Some specific analytics you can request include: 

  • Who is my page’s primary audience? (Age, gender, etc.)
  • What are some specific behaviors of my page’s audience? (How long they stay on the page, what they tend to click on, etc.)

Custom Links 

As a page owner, you may request a short link for your page. Creating a short link is exactly what it sounds like: taking a long URL and shortening it into something that is easy to promote and remember. You can request a short link for your page by submitting a Marketing and Communications Website and Intranet Support Ticket

For example, the full link for Gateway’s Diversity 365 page is However, a link this long would be difficult to put on a poster or ad for upcoming Diversity 365 events. For that reason, Diversity 365 requested the short link which is much easier to use.


Gateway strives to make our website more accessible for those with disabilities. Please avoid requesting PDFs for your page, if possible, as PDFs are often not screen reader compatible. College-required accessibility statements will be added as requested to pages promoting events, classes or activities at Gateway.