Tichelaar, Gerrit |
tichelaarg@gtc.edu |
Horticulture |
Instructor, Horticulture |
Kenosha |
2625642418 |
Tolliver, Lutasha |
tolliverl@gtc.edu |
Business Management |
Adjunct - Business Management |
Toor, Gurkirat |
toorg@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Services |
Burlington |
2625643435 |
Torres, Jose |
torresjo@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-racine |
Custodian (Racine 1st) |
Racine |
2625642456 |
Trevino, Amparo |
trevinoa@gtc.edu |
History |
Instructor, Adult High School/History |
Racine |
2625642124 |
Trewyn, Jennifer |
TrewynJ@gtc.edu |
Educational Services |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Burlington |
Trolli, Valbona |
trolliv@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing |
Kenosha |
2625642612 |
Trombley, Karen |
trombleyk@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing - Racine |
Racine |
2625643038 |
Trongeau, Michael |
trongeaum@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice Law Enforcement |
Troop, Nyla |
troopn@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Student Finance Specialist |
Racine |
2625642127 |
Tucker, Sherry |
tuckers@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Instructor, Barber/Cosmetology |
Kenosha |
2625642133 |
Turner, Curtis |
turnerc@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Director, Express Services |
Elkhorn |
2625642473 |
Turner Kaprelian, Sherry |
turners@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing - Racine |
Racine |
2625642984 |
Umnus, Meredith |
umnusm@gtc.edu |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625643107 |
Valecce, Stephanie |
valecces@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Vanags, Jennifer |
VanagsJ@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Instructor, Communications |
Racine |
2625642567 |
VanderVere, Natasha |
vanderveren@gtc.edu |
Instructor, Nursing Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642030 |
Vargas, Edwardo |
vargase@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Student Support Specialist (Veterans) |
Racine |
2625642459 |
Vargas, Yoceline |
vargasy@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Kenosha |
2625642466 |
Vaughn, Jazsmyn |
vaughnj@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Vazquez, Faustino |
vazquezf@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Venckus, Christopher |
venckusc@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, WEB |
Racine |
2625642493 |
Vester, Robbin |
vesterr@gtc.edu |
Organizational Excellence |
Manager, Organizational Excellence |
Kenosha |
2625642632 |
Villarreal, Blanca |
villarrealb@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing & Communication Associate |
Kenosha |
2625643222 |
Villarreal, Jose |
villarrealj@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Custodian |
Kenosha |
2625642583 |
Vines, Kristina |
vinesk@gtc.edu |
Surgical Technician |
Instructor, Surgical Technology |
Kenosha |
2625642748 |
Virzi-Frahman, Amanda |
virzia@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642753 |
Visintainer, Thomas |
visintainert@gtc.edu |
Civil Technology |
Adjunct |
Vogt, Deborah |
VogtD@gtc.edu |
Intro To Reading & Study Skill |
Adjunct - SLAS |
Volbright, Jeannine |
volbrightj@gtc.edu |
English |
Instructor, Adult Learning Center |
Elkhorn |
2625642729 |
Vollendorf, Joshua |
vollendorfj@gtc.edu |
Affirmative Action |
Director, Compliance |
Racine |
2625643062 |
Vollendorf, Petra |
vollendorfp@gtc.edu |
Academic Operations |
Scheduling Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642223 |
Voss, Erik |
VossE@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Police Science |
Voynovich, Laura |
voynovichl@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Student Support Specialist |
Racine |
2625642732 |
Vrtacnik, Crystal |
vrtacnikc@gtc.edu |
Bldg/site Maint-burlington |
Custodian (Burlington) - LEAD |
Burlington |
2625642808 |
Waddell-jimenez, Eva |
waddelljimeneze@gtc.edu |
Nursing Assistant |
Instructor, Nursing Assistant |
Elkhorn |
2625642044 |
Waite, Kelsey |
waitek@gtc.edu |
Dental |
Instructor, Dental Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625642159 |
Walker, Justin |
walkerj@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Cybersecurity Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643144 |
Wall, Robert |
WallR@gtc.edu |
Mechanical Technology |
Adjunct - Mechanical Design |
Wang, Manhui (Amy) |
WangM@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Instructor, Communications |
Kenosha |
2625643122 |
Warnock, Breezann |
warnockb@gtc.edu |
Bursar/student Finances |
Director, Student Accounts |
Kenosha |
2625642032 |
Wasley, Robert |
wasleyr@gtc.edu |
Urban Forestry |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Watson, Jonathan |
watsonjm@gtc.edu |
Disability Support Services |
Accommodations and Accessibility Coordinators |
Racine |
2625642154 |
Webster, Jacqueline |
websterj@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Adjunct - Communication |
Wechlo, Richard |
wechlor@gtc.edu |
Air Conditioning & Ref Tech |
Instructor, HVAC |
Elkhorn |
2625643465 |
Weidner, Erich |
WeidnerE@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice Law Enforcement |
Weigel, Jaime |
weigelj@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Weiger, Susan |
Weigers@gtc.edu |
Admin/office Assistant |
Adjunct - Computer Software |
Weis, Lauren |
weisl@gtc.edu |
Health/practice Lab |
Health & Technology Learning Center Specialist |
Elkhorn |
2625642147 |
Weisner, Dan |
Weisnerd@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Mechanic |
Kenosha |
2625642810 |
Weiss, Eric |
weisse@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Infrastructure Computer Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643025 |
Wenzel, Shawna |
wenzels@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing - Racine |
Racine |
2625643039 |
Werve, Brittany |
werveb@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Computer Support Technician |
Kenosha |
2625642659 |
Westrum, Rachel |
westrumr@gtc.edu |
Administrative Center |
Grants Administrator |
Kenosha |
2625642345 |
Whalen, Crystal |
whalenc@gtc.edu |
Academic Operations |
Scheduling Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642056 |
White, Jamine |
whiteja@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Adjunct - SoH |
White, Tia |
whitet@gtc.edu |
English |
Data Specialist |
Racine |
2625642134 |
Whitmoyer, Steven |
whitmoyers@gtc.edu |
Civil Technology |
Instructor, Architecture/Civil Engineering |
2625642631 |
Whynott, Anne |
whynotta@gtc.edu |
Research, Planning,evaluation |
Associate Vice President, College Excellence |
Kenosha |
2625642758 |
Wicklund, Cynthia |
wicklundc@gtc.edu |
Const Elect-apprn |
Adj Inst Elect Appr. |
Widmar, Robin |
widmarr@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Account Manager, Business & Workforce Solutions |
2625642673 |
Wiechers, Lorie |
wiechersl@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Manager, IT Systems and Infrastructure |
Kenosha |
2625642760 |
Wiemero, Jennifer |
wiemeroj@gtc.edu |
Acad Supp/mathematics |
Instructor, Learning Success Center |
Elkhorn |
2625642775 |
Wikner, Marilyn |
wiknerm@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
Administrative Assistant, VP of Student Affairs |
Kenosha |
2625642940 |
Wilkes, Steven |
wilkess@gtc.edu |
Career Services |
Career Counselor |
Elkhorn |
2625642818 |
Williams, Sylvester |
WilliamsS@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Infrastructure Computer Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643706 |
Williamson, Philip |
WilliamsonP@gtc.edu |
Social Services |
Adjunct - Human Service Associate |
Williamson, Suzanne |
williamsons@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing |
Elkhorn |
2625642095 |
Wilson, Brian |
wilsonb@gtc.edu |
Industrial Administration |
Machine Maintenance Technician/Materials Expeditor |
Racine |
2625642832 |
Windham, Dwayne |
windhamd@gtc.edu |
Industrial Administration |
Associate Dean, SMEIT |
2625643253 |
Wisneski, Thomas |
wisneskit@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
WEB Designer |
Kenosha |
2625643230 |
Wisneski, Jayme |
wisneskij@gtc.edu |
Marketing & Communications |
Marketing Communication Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643182 |
Witkowiak, Karli |
witkowiakk@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
Business Analyst, Student Services System |
Kenosha |
2625643185 |
Witte, Jason |
witteja@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Witte, Ann |
wittea@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Elkhorn |
2625642737 |
Wlodarski, Donald |
wlodarskid@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Wojciechowicz, Diane |
wojciechowiczd@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Wolcott, Tammy |
WolcottT@gtc.edu |
Acad Supp/mathematics |
Adjunct - PCMP |
Wolf, Elizabeth |
wolfe@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing |
Kenosha |
2625643130 |
Wollert, Courtney |
wollertc@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Learning Innovation Division Support Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625643028 |
Wollwage, Seth |
wollwages@gtc.edu |
Social Services |
Instructor, Human Services |
Racine |
2625642599 |
Wood, Thomas |
woodt@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Science Technical Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625642370 |
Worzala, Kyle |
worzalak@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Instructor, Welding |
Racine |
2625642575 |
Xiong, Mary |
xiongm@gtc.edu |
Student Success Admin |
Student Success Programming Coordinator |
Kenosha |
2625642988 |
Yocum, Kevin |
yocumk@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Natural Science |
Elkhorn |
2625642697 |
York, Dawn |
yorkd@gtc.edu |
Abe/ell Administration |
Dean Associate |
Racine |
2625642585 |
Yousuf, Saad |
yousufs@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, Information Technology |
Racine |
2625643626 |
Yu, Qun |
yuq@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Kenosha |
2625642444 |
Zakutansky, Donald |
zakutanskyd@gtc.edu |
Natural Science |
Instructor, Life Sciences |
Kenosha |
2625642862 |
Zambo, Steve |
zambos@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642100 |
Zavodski, Natalie |
zavodskin@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop |
Adjunct - Machine Shop |
Zehren, John |
zehrenj@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Fab Lab Coordinator |
2625642677 |
Zenisek, Paul |
zenisekp@gtc.edu |
Social Services |
Instructor, AODA/Human Services |
Racine |
2625642515 |
Zhang, Haiqing |
zhangh@gtc.edu |
Information Systems |
Programmer/Analyst |
Kenosha |
2625642182 |
Ziarko, Christopher |
ziarkoc@gtc.edu |
Accounting |
Instructor, Accounting |
Kenosha |
2625643074 |
Zimmermann, Brian |
ZimmermannB@gtc.edu |
Police Science- Non Credit |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Zinniker, Timothy |
zinnikert@gtc.edu |
End User Computing |
Computer Support Technician |
Burlington |
2625642057 |
Zook, Terry |
zookt@gtc.edu |
Culinary Arts |
Culinary Arts Technical Assistant |
Racine |
2625642517 |
Zurawski, Matthew |
zurawskim@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop - Wedd |
Instructor, CNC Machining |
2625643197 |