Nygard, Jason |
nygardj@gtc.edu |
Admin/financial Services |
Director, Budgets and Purchasing |
Kenosha |
2625643106 |
O'Connell, Bernadette |
OconnellBe@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Burlington |
O'Neill, Timothy |
oneillt@gtc.edu |
Fire Technology - Non Credit |
Lead Instructor - ACE |
O'Neill, John |
oneillj@gtc.edu |
Fire Technology - Non Credit |
Lead Instructor - ACE |
O'Reilly, Sharon |
oreillys@gtc.edu |
Accounting |
Adjunct - Accounting |
Elkhorn |
O'Reilly, Nancy |
oreillyn@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Obowu, Chinedu |
obowuc@gtc.edu |
International Education |
International Education Coordinator |
Racine |
2625642505 |
Oertel, Joel |
Oertelj@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-racine |
Custodian - 1st Shift |
Racine |
2625642522 |
Oldenburg, Pamela |
oldenburgp@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Olson, Jennifer |
olsonjm@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Administrative Assistant, Learning Innovation/CIO |
Kenosha |
2625642994 |
Oplatka, Elizabeth |
oplatkae@gtc.edu |
Supervisory Mgmt - Wedd |
Instructor, Supervision/Leadership |
2625642639 |
Orozco, Krystal |
orozcok@gtc.edu |
Medical Assistant |
Instructor, Medical Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625643159 |
Ortiz, Deisha |
ortizd@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Student Express Associate - 2nd Shift |
Racine |
2625642397 |
Ortiz, Ismael |
ortizi@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - PCP |
Osmundsen, Maria (Mia) |
osmundsenm@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Kenosha |
2625642242 |
Paap, Laura |
paapl@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Financial Aid Specialist-Communications |
Kenosha |
2625642384 |
Packard-Rykiel, Lisa |
PackardL@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Instructor, Communications |
Racine |
2625642537 |
Pagan, Jennifer |
paganj@gtc.edu |
Apprenticeship Admin |
Apprenticeship Coordinator |
2625642952 |
Palacios, Raquel |
palaciosr@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642137 |
Parworth, Carrie |
parworthc@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
Director, Admissions and Strategic Enrollment |
Elkhorn |
2625642349 |
Patchel, Gregory |
patchelg@gtc.edu |
Aeronautics |
Director and Chief Pilot, Aeronautics Program |
Kenosha |
2625643934 |
Pattengale, Elena |
pattengalee@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing |
Elkhorn |
2625642092 |
Paul, Anthony (AJ) |
paula@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Student Finance Specialist |
Racine |
2625642396 |
Payne, Annie |
paynea@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Racine |
Pearson, Allen |
pearsona@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, CIS Programmer/Analyst & Micro Specialist |
Racine |
2625642636 |
Pearson, Felica |
pearsonf@gtc.edu |
Academic Operations |
Scheduling Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642740 |
Pedersen, Hans |
pedersenh@gtc.edu |
It- Network & Infrastructure |
Infrastructure Computer Technician |
Kenosha |
2625643704 |
Pellitteri, James |
pellitterij@gtc.edu |
Fire Technology |
Instructor, Fire Program |
Burlington |
2625643437 |
Peregrini, Nelly |
peregrinin@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Perez, Magan |
perezmr@gtc.edu |
Labor Relations |
Director, Employee Engagement |
Kenosha |
2625643058 |
Perez, Edgar |
pereze@gtc.edu |
Registrar |
Registration Specialist |
Racine |
2625642143 |
Perez, Maria |
perezm@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Kenosha |
2625642388 |
Perock, Carrie |
perockc@gtc.edu |
Child Development |
Adjunct - Child Care |
Peters, Lori |
petersla@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Adjunct - Soh |
Peters, Kisha |
petersk@gtc.edu |
Health Information Technology |
Instructor, Health Information Technology |
Racine |
2625642987 |
Petersen, Neil |
PetersenN@gtc.edu |
Machine Shop - Wedd |
Instructor, CNC Machining |
2625642577 |
Peterson, Daniel |
petersondj@gtc.edu |
Disability Support Services |
Transition Resource and Accessibility Coach |
Kenosha |
2625642744 |
Peterson, James |
petersonjf@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Peterson, Angela |
petersonaa@gtc.edu |
Communication Skills |
Adjunct - Comm Skills |
Petre, Jess |
petrej@gtc.edu |
Fin Aids/veteran's Affairs |
Financial Aid-Communication and SAP |
Kenosha |
2625642704 |
Petro, Jeff |
petroj@gtc.edu |
Tool & Die Apprentice |
Adj Inst Tool & Die |
Pflieger, Kaitlyn |
pfliegerk@gtc.edu |
Registrar |
Student Data & Reporting Specialist |
Racine |
2625642560 |
Pham, Peter |
phampete@gtc.edu |
Graphic Designer |
Instructor, Graphic Communications |
2625642507 |
Pham, Linda |
phaml@gtc.edu |
Admin/financial Services |
Accounts Payable Associate |
Kenosha |
2625642446 |
Phillips, Brian |
phillipsbr@gtc.edu |
Fire - Wedd |
Lead Instructor - PDW |
Phrakousonh, Theresa |
phrakousonht@gtc.edu |
Admin/financial Services |
Administrative Assistant to CFO & VP of Finance & Admn |
Kenosha |
2625642738 |
Piccolo, Donna |
piccolod@gtc.edu |
Basic Education |
Instructor, Adult Basic Education/English Language Learner |
Kenosha |
2625642081 |
Pieters, Michael |
pietersm@gtc.edu |
Air Conditioning & Ref Tech |
Instructor, HVAC |
Kenosha |
2625642093 |
Piliouras, Sophia |
piliourass@gtc.edu |
English |
Instructor, English Language Learner |
Racine |
2625642468 |
Pinkerton, Alan |
pinkertona@gtc.edu |
Information Systems |
Director, Information Systems |
Kenosha |
2625643070 |
Pitner, Sheryl |
pitners@gtc.edu |
Health Education |
Adjunct - PCMP |
Elkhorn |
Plishka, John |
plishkaj@gtc.edu |
Veterinary Science |
Instructor, Veterinary Technician |
Elkhorn |
2625642830 |
Poe, Sarah |
poes@gtc.edu |
Nursing |
Instructor, Nursing - Racine |
Racine |
2625642714 |
Poirier, Kevin |
poirierk@gtc.edu |
Graphics |
Adjunct - Graphic Tech Design |
Polcyn, Jessica |
polcynj@gtc.edu |
Nursing Assistant |
Instructor, Nursing Assistant |
Kenosha |
2625642112 |
Prater, Courtney |
praterc@gtc.edu |
Admin/financial Services |
Grant Accounting Analyst |
Kenosha |
2625643048 |
Prest, Judith |
prestj@gtc.edu |
Registrar |
Transfer Credit Specialist |
Racine |
2625642619 |
Price, Equainess |
pricee@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
Esports Coordinator & Head Coach |
Racine |
2625643722 |
Prondzinski, Amy |
prondzinskia@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - ELL |
Pruitt, Jason |
pruittj@gtc.edu |
Career Services |
Career and Employment Services Manager |
Kenosha |
2625642128 |
Puentes, Gabriela |
puentesg@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Pulda, Amanda |
puldaa@gtc.edu |
Acad Supp/mathematics |
Instructor, Learning Success Center |
Kenosha |
2625642449 |
Quebbeman, Rachel |
quebbemanr@gtc.edu |
Grp Dynamics For Traffic Sfty |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Radandt, Daniel |
RadandtD@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Raimondi, Anna |
raimondia@gtc.edu |
Barbering/cosmetology |
Adjunct - SoPHS |
Rainey, Alexandria |
raineya@gtc.edu |
Student Support Services |
TRIO SSS Program Specialist |
Racine |
2625643042 |
Raju, Ritu |
rajur@gtc.edu |
President/director's Office |
President/CEO |
Kenosha |
2625643610 |
Ramig, Patricia |
ramigp@gtc.edu |
Laboratory Assistant |
Laboratory Technician Assistant |
Racine |
2625642135 |
Ramos, Usiel |
ramosu@gtc.edu |
Criminal Justice/law Enfrcmnt |
Adjunct - Police Science |
Ramos, Jasmin |
ramosj@gtc.edu |
Academic Advising |
Academic Adviser |
Racine |
2625642379 |
Randolph, Micheal |
randolphm@gtc.edu |
Health Sciences Admin |
Dean, School of Health |
Racine |
2625642491 |
Rauth, Jamie |
rauthj@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Account Manager, Business & Workforce Solutions |
2625642627 |
Redmond, Micheal |
redmondm@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-racine |
Custodian - 1st Shift |
Racine |
2625642707 |
Redwing, Yesenia |
redwingy@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Library Technician |
Racine |
2625643848 |
Reed, Adam |
reeda@gtc.edu |
Bws |
Fab Lab Coordinator |
2625642635 |
Reeves, Jared |
reevesj@gtc.edu |
Protective Services Admin |
Fire/Ems Equipment Technican |
Burlington |
2625642059 |
Renzoni, Mike |
Renzonim@gtc.edu |
Small Engine & Chassis Mech |
Instructor, Motorcycle, Marine and Outdoor Power Products |
Kenosha |
2625642664 |
Retana, Jazmine |
retanaj@gtc.edu |
Bursar/student Finances |
Student Accounts Specialist - 3rd Party Billing |
Kenosha |
2625642922 |
Revolinski, Wendy |
RevolinskiW@gtc.edu |
It Pa/web/e-business |
Instructor, WEB/Software Developer |
Racine |
2625642553 |
Reynoso, Maria |
reynosom@gtc.edu |
Enrollment Services |
Student Express Associate |
Kenosha |
2625642394 |
Reza, Bailey |
rezab@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Richards, Jay |
richardsj@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Services |
Burlington |
2625643142 |
Richter, Joseph |
richterjw@gtc.edu |
Respiratory Therapy |
Instructor/Director Clinical Education, Respiratory Therapy |
Kenosha |
2625642142 |
Rigden, Barbara |
rigdenb@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Riley, Kenneth |
rileyk@gtc.edu |
Promise Program |
Coordinator, Gateway Promise |
Racine |
2625642455 |
Riley, David |
RileyD@gtc.edu |
Emergency Medical Services |
Lead Instructor - Credit and ACE |
Riordan, Sean |
riordans@gtc.edu |
Research, Planning,evaluation |
Manager, Business Intelligence |
Kenosha |
2625642140 |
Rios, Keith |
riosk@gtc.edu |
Graphic Designer |
Instructor, Graphic Design |
2625642478 |
Riutta, Amelia |
riuttaa@gtc.edu |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
Clinical Coordinator, School of Health |
Kenosha |
2625642445 |
Rivera, Pedro |
riverap@gtc.edu |
Veterinary Science |
Adjunct - Vet Tech |
Rizek, Manal |
rizekm@gtc.edu |
Mathematics |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Racine |
2625642502 |
Robbins, Timothy |
robbinst@gtc.edu |
English As A Second Language |
Adjunct - PCP |
Roberts, Johnny |
robertsj@gtc.edu |
Bldg Maint-kenosha |
Cleaner |
Kenosha |
2625642462 |
Robillard, Amanda |
robillarda@gtc.edu |
Ss Enrollment Services Admin |
Manager, Customer Relationship Management (crm) Technology |
Kenosha |
2625642850 |
Robshaw, Jeffrey |
robshawj@gtc.edu |
Lid Systems |
Vice President, Learning Innovation and CIO |
Kenosha |
2625643676 |
Roche, Arlene |
rochea@gtc.edu |
Computer Studies - Community |
Adjunct - BWS |
Rodriguez, Nastasya |
rodriguezn@gtc.edu |
Academic Operations |
Scheduling Specialist |
Kenosha |
2625642596 |
Rohde, Scott |
rohdes@gtc.edu |
Welding |
Instructor, Welding |
Elkhorn |
2625642779 |
Rohlf, Rachel |
rohlfr@gtc.edu |
Library/lrc-racine |
Librarian |
Racine |
2625642539 |
Roob, Benjamin |
roobb@gtc.edu |
Registrar |
Associate Registrar |
Racine |
2625642162 |