In order to keep consistency and deepen our brand presence, Gateway’s official logo should be the primary logo used when promoting the college. The development and use of secondary logos will be limited as follows:
Division and Department Logos
Approved department and division names may request to have a Gateway logo lockup created that includes their name beneath the Gateway logo. The Gateway logo always remains the primary element with the subname below to communicate that it is a part of the college. These paired logos help maintain unity and consistency across the college.
Examples of department paired logos:

Facility Logos
- Campuses: As the primary locations of the college, Gateway’s main campuses should be identified using the college’s official logo.
- Centers: Secondary logos can be requested for Gateway’s center locations. Logos should reflect and include the college’s name and brand colors to communicate that the center is a part of Gateway Technical College.
Initiatives and Campaigns
At times college initiatives may require unique logo graphics. These are limited instances and must be pre-approved by the Executive Leadership Council (ELC). Note that these logo graphics will not replace the college’s logo and should align with the college’s brand.
College Athletics
Official Gateway Technical College athletic program logos must reflect the college brand incorporating the Red Hawk logo and sport name.

Accepted Colors for Secondary Logos
Secondary logos should utilize the official college primary and accent colors with PMS 201 (burgundy) and PMS 1795 (red) being the primary colors. No other colors or combination of colors should be used in secondary department/program logos. Departments/programs are always identified in PMS 201. All white and all black are also approved one-color options to be used as needed.
Additional Usage Guidelines
- All departmental, program, facility and initiative logos should be created by the Marketing and Communications department. No department should develop their own logo.
- Department, program and facility logos should be secondary to the use of the official Gateway logo. Official college publications, communications and websites will still feature the official college logo.
Always keep your logo in proportion. Do not stretch or skew the logo.
Grandfathered Secondary Logos and Wordmarks
Certain departments, initiatives and locations have established logos, which were designed by the Marketing and Communications department prior to October 2019. These secondary logos can continue to be used as appropriate.
Examples of grandfathered secondary logos: